I have been writing software for over a decade.

My 5 best advices for developers

that will save you 1000+ hours (🧵):

⚡️ On writing code

Solve the problem *before* writing code.

Clear code >>>> Clever code

Always optimize code for readability

and THEN efficiency (if required)


You are not bad at coding.
You just need more practice.
⚡️ On debugging code

Code doesn’t do what you expect

it does what you tell it to do.

Be ready to spend hours bridging the gap.

When debugging:
• Pay attention to error messages
• Use debuggers
• Ask for help when stuck

Prefer refactoring buggy code

over adding new code.
⚡️On testing code

Developers today are expected to:
• write software quickly
• without shipping bugs

Know that some tests are more important than the others.

Start with ad-hoc tests…

But use test automation as much as possible.

Test less. But smarter.
⚡️ On writing documentation

Good code is self-documenting
but you should document tradeoffs
and decisions of your code.

Some tips:
• Automate doc generation
• Document just enough
• Use tests as documentation

Just remember that..
no documentation >> incorrect documentation
⚡️ On code reviews

Code reviews are to ensure that code
• meets required functionality
• adheres best practices

Avoid reviewing large code changes.

Establish a process. Use checklists.

See code reviews as a form of

knowledge sharing.

Learn from feedback.

- On writing code
- On debugging code
- On testing code
- On writing documentation
- On code reviews
That's it!

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Follow @saumya1singh for more such threads. I generally write about tech, mobile app development, open-source, paid opportunities in tech, job updates & my journey! ✨

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