"21 of the wisest things ever said on the Internet"

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1. "If you want to make the wrong decision, ask everyone."

2. "Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money."

- The Psychology of Money, @morganhousel
3. “Remember: we don't control what happens, we control how we respond”

4. “You only need to know the direction, not the destination.

The direction is enough to make the next choice.”

5. “Read books because you will never be able to meet and spend uninterrupted time with the thoughts of so many brilliant and unique people.”

6. “Be nice but learn to say no.”

7. “You basically need two things to succeed: discipline and consistency.”

8. “Your real soulmate will naturally vibe with you, heal with you and make you love yourself more.”

9. “Stop waiting for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden.”

10. “You are at your strongest when you are calm.”

11. “You can't learn when you're always trying to be right.”

12. “Three daily enemies: Multi-tasking, overthinking, and procrastination.”

13. “Replace alcohol with water
Replace Netflix with podcasts
Replace influencers with creators
Replace overthinking with actions
Replace toxic friends with mentors
Replace complaining with gratitude
Replace spending money with investing”

14. “I have no energy to hate anyone, I literally have no space in my heart to carry that shit around.

I either love you, wish you well or hope you heal.”

15. “You become very dangerous once you learn to control your feelings”

16. “Social media is free because you’re the product.”

17. “IQ is overrated. Discipline is underrated.”

18. “You will learn a lot from heartaches, empty pockets and failures.”

19. “Self care tip:

Overthinking will destroy your mood.
Breathe and let go.”

20. “If you get a gut feeling that something isn’t right about a person or situation, trust it.”

21. “Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove.”

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