Another thread on Whittle as a companion to this thread.

Here Stephen makes an impassioned plea for the rights of trans people not to be sterilised. I agree. Does Stephen know that we are now, effectively, sterilising “transkids”? Is Stephen speaking out about this?
Yes. I agree you have the right to be parents. You know many “transmen” who have given birth. What will happen to the kids put on #PubertyBlockers followed by Cross-sex hormones?
Makes a clear statement activists did not want to campaign on “surgical status”. #LeaveNoOneBehind. Also that they have the right to bodily privacy,
Just trans folks? Do women have the right to bodily privacy?
Is this what passing looks like? Ignoring women?
An impassioned defence of the campaign for Self-Identification. Make no mistake this was a demand that women accept male-bodied women in single sex spaces. That was significant over-reach and a massive blunder. Women only spaces, regardless of surgery, is my stance now.
This is what they refused to use surgical status in any court cases. Given that Whittle has five surgeries to create a facsimile penis and testicles I imagine this generates sympathy with the penis retention wing of the new “women”.
Now we come to the claim that the backlash generated by the sheer arrogance of this movement is liken attacks on Lesbians a d Gays. Er. Like the one you just did basically implying Butch Lesbians are in-medicalised trans men? Isn’t that homophobia?
And of course the old religious right accusation. Someone ought to tell Stephen about the homophobic parents who can barely conceal their desire for a daughter over a gay son. They are often religious.
Yes. Whittle. Self-Identification did indeed make women look. Now we recognise this for the biggest #Backlash against women’s (& gay) rights of our lifetime. All the stealth moves caught up with you. You aren’t going to call us Ter*# are you?
Yep. Whittle went there. Then gets vocal about Sheila Jeffrey’s, Janice Raymond and G Greer. These are not the right kid of feminists. ( Raymond was prophetic)
Is Dismantling women’s rights the price of entry to the men’s club?
Something about abolishing genders..whilst reifying them by promoting surgery to align with your desired sex, (but only if you want to, cos all bodies can be masculine/feminine...and SelfId Is fine and it’s all totally consistent...)
Then a straw man argument about how we are all claiming that four year olds are getting surgeries. Nope. But your own slide showed we are referring 3 year olds to GIDs. We know 10 year olds are getting #PubertyBlockers.
And here is the big one. Kids are getting counselling and “puberty postponement”. Nope. They are getting puberty blocked. They are pretty much ALL progressing to cross sex hormones. They will be infertile...What’s that you were saying about sterilisation?
This is the last slide of Whittles earlier Youtube. Linked in this thread.
This looks like marketing to me and I wonder if you are very going to be honest about the health impact of testosterone on females?
Probably not. You are in too deep.
Here’s the full thing. See how I didn’t even make a joke about when the presenter swapped the microphone for a pink one. 😳
Adding this comment courtesy of @IsleLesbo .
I think as bad as this is for ones with parents. The kids in care met are very vulnerable in this area. Definitely happening in Vancouver. Kids in care make up 50% of one Gender Clinicians clients. 500 kids.
And this also.

More from Book

It has been exactly 3 years to "how fund managers .." was released. The book took a lot of time to write. Here is a short thread about how it happened ..

2/n the idea came from @kan_writersside who got me in touch with Dibakar Ghosh at @Rupa_Books .. we discussed the idea that it has been 2 decades to the fund management industry and it deserves a book. A lot was written about about Bharat Shah, Prashant Jain and S.Arora..

3/n but there was not much information about investment philosophies and the overall environment of the mid 90s and later on. Kanishk and Dibakar wanted a broader book for everyone and not just the stock market reader. We went to work

4/n we decided to write about the dotcom boom and bust where it all started. The start fund managers came from there. In Feb 2000 IT index had a pe multiple of 420 and the market cap of the sector was 34% of the market. Banks were 5% and some analysts were still bullish

5/n prashant Jain was one of the few fund managers who was out of the sector in November itself and was quietly watching the index go up. There were others but the legend of Jain was at the top of the mind because it is believed he refused to meet the CFO of a big IT company ..

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