I have a different take on bitcoin, tether, and dollars

Can also speak with authority on nation state violence

"Nothing makes you feel more free than taking another person's freedom"

@coloradotravis and @profplum99 concerns with tether, bitcoin, and decentralization make sense yet I remain long BTC

They are correct on force, I worked in decentralized societies, they are dangerous because the state does not have a monopoly on violence
For those in the first world who have never seen a milita ride out of the desert, kill and enslave farmers, and the government cannot stop it because the 21st century slave trade pays better than the UN, the reality of decentralization is might equals right
I know, that isn't the decentralized future Buterin talks about while wearing a t-shirt with a cat fighting space invaders on it (love those shirts)

But we need to be real, disrupting the global centralized economy won't be like Uber putting taxis out of work
It will be war and faminine level disruption as old empires come alive again

For decentralization to rise the centralized global power of the last 70 years (US Hegemony) has to weaken

Yes we will be rich, but as the Big Short says,

"you can be happy, just don't fucking dance"
There is a much larger discussion to be had on old empires coming alive and US Hegemony fading with security of trade across oceans and changing demographics

Piece I wrote is here, but lets stay focused on tether, bitcoin, and dollar for now

When I saw Chinese businessmen using tether for cross border payments to circumvent SWIFT, I got it

They are doing what the CCP does best

Using the US's 70 years of geopolitical power, 10 aircraft carrier battle groups, and GDP strength without having to pay for it
Seriously doubt tether is backed

Would be a wasted opportunity by the CCP

CCP doesn't want fair anything, they want to undo the shame of the Opium Wars and treat the West the way we treated them in the 19th century

But don't care, bitcoin could drop to $1k, would just buy more
Bitfinex will doubtfully ever get called on tether, they are the 21st century Chinese equivalent of Sir Francis Drake

Privateers running an unlicensed federal reserve branch printing free dollars with the protection of the CCP and fear their displeasure much more than SDNY AUSAs
Bitcoin investors happened to stumble into geopolitics and are shocked the Great Game is so dirty and grey

Tether and bitcoin are nothing

China kills Indians in the Himalayas to keep India engaged there so its navy does not have funds for defenses at the Strait of Malacca
So not worried about tether, if btc drops, I buy more, trust it more than Fed now

You would too if you graduated in 2007 for the GFC, spent a decade overseas at war while fed and boomers had a party, came back for a pandemic, everything is expensive, and it all feels fake
I just can't get excited about buying Airbnb at 28x EV/S, or using my VA loan on a $800k house

Then I look at https://t.co/j0Jxx4Xsjs, see my cost of living going up 12% a year, and it is frustrating

Makes the whole traditional financial system feel dirty
I would love to have a better option than bitcoin, if I was worth $5 mil, I would have different tools and maybe not be in bitcoin

But I don't, so I just stay long bitcoin, and will go into other investments when I find ones I think are good value and make sense to me
Also, don't want bitcoin to be the new global trade currency

None of us should because the only thing that protects global trade is violence and that requires dudes like me

Think people get confused about security

Bitcoin being secure isn't the same as shipments being secured
Don't want btc to be anything else than it is already

An alternative asset class

I no longer trust the system I grew up loving and gave years of my life defending

It isn't the life I wanted, but I didn't choose it, the Fed did

At least bitcoin lets me not be angry about it
So to wrap up, CCP would disappoint me if they weren't printing fake dollars, doubt audit happens

If btc falls I buy more, trust it more than Fed

Shift from US Hegemony and dollar larger than bitcoin, but don't want to see dollar fall

Look forward to having better options

More from Bitcoin


Oct. 8, 2020: The purpose of this thread is to document and timestamp when it first became clear that #Bitcoin was likely to become a major reserve asset for public corporations, and eventually states, with Square's purchase of $50M in BTC.

The purpose is to give something to cite when ppl later claim "But there was NO WAY OF KNOWING..."

h/t @ErikSTownsend who used the same format to call out the impact of Covid on Feb 8 and made me personally aware of the looming shutdown of the country
https://t.co/opuiNgSeqC !

Bitcoiners smarter than me have been predicting the takeover of the dollar by Bitcoin for many years.

In 2014 with Bitcoin barely at $1B, @pierre_rochard wrote https://t.co/EGHa58KqHq, covering all the incorrect narratives of Bitcoin and stating it will overtake the dollar.

"[skeptics] misunderstand how strong currencies like bitcoin overtake weak currencies like the dollar: it is through speculative attacks and currency crises caused by investors, not through the careful evaluation of tech journalists and 'mainstream consumers'" - @pierre_rochard

I first became bullish on Bitcoin in the summer of 2016, around a $3B market cap, but it was still a toy project at that time in the eyes of most in the financial world, while many technologists thought of it as a v1 technology to be improved on.

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