I'm leery as fuck about Biden but Jesus at this point it's fucking stunning to have someone without an overt psychological pathology as the President.

Like it's fucking weird to have someone who can devise policy and explain that policy and petition congress to make that policy into law and not just screaming that he's going to magically make another country pay for the racist border wall designed to keep them out.
It's been as much a blessing as a curse that most of the time Trump has had no fucking idea how to implement policies.

Remember that shit he was doing with the Census? He fucked it up because he just declared something and left it to others to figure out how. It's not happening.
But then you had the times when Trump was like "Make the brown people stop" and he threw Stephen Miller at it and we end up with kids in cages and troops on the Mexican border with vague orders to maybe start shooting people.

It's been this constant farce of horrors.
The "trade war" with China, what the fuck was that?

Place tariffs and demand negotiation.

Wait, no, they implement their own tariffs. MORE TARIFFS THEN.

Shit they still aren't negotiating and now to keep the farmers from revolting we did a socialism shit fuck shit
Iran, North Korea ... that's just a goddamn disaster. What was even the point of all that shit? What was the policy goal? What the hell did Trump accomplish?

At least by pissing off NATO there's a whole lot of countries that would be willing to extradite ...
And the one single lizard brain accomplishment he made - appoint SCOTUS judges to overthrow the election - and they wouldn't even overthrow the election!

He's just all id, all the time, screaming and farting and jerking himself off through life.
Eh. It's splitting the baby.

The best solution would be to change labor law and end the practice of tipping in the United States altogether.

It's a half-measure, but it's what we're getting and I hope it helps someone. https://t.co/NmIJIvEcon
Like I don't know if you know this America, but the whole "we'll pay you less and you'll make it up with tips" thing is fucking barbaric and the rest of the world looks at us like we've got shit smeared on our faces.
But hey, we still allow the state to use murder as a punitive measure so the tipping thing is the least of our barbarism.
You can't sell something if you don't slap a price tag on it in the first place. https://t.co/k6sD8j9KUb
Yeah, you're not lying.

We need someone who will be willing to get dirty, to pull hair and kick nuts. That's our only hope of keeping them down.

I don't think Biden's that guy. I guess we'll see. https://t.co/touFFoMSPa

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I'm going to do two history threads on Ethiopia, one on its ancient history, one on its modern story (1800 to today). 🇪🇹

I'll begin with the ancient history ... and it goes way back. Because modern humans - and before that, the ancestors of humans - almost certainly originated in Ethiopia. 🇪🇹 (sub-thread):

The first likely historical reference to Ethiopia is ancient Egyptian records of trade expeditions to the "Land of Punt" in search of gold, ebony, ivory, incense, and wild animals, starting in c 2500 BC 🇪🇹

Ethiopians themselves believe that the Queen of Sheba, who visited Israel's King Solomon in the Bible (c 950 BC), came from Ethiopia (not Yemen, as others believe). Here she is meeting Solomon in a stain-glassed window in Addis Ababa's Holy Trinity Church. 🇪🇹

References to the Queen of Sheba are everywhere in Ethiopia. The national airline's frequent flier miles are even called "ShebaMiles". 🇪🇹