
“Trump Swift Boat Project - Clinton OP”

Term leads to John Kerry

Iphone exchange between:
Jennifer Palmieri
Joel Johnson
2/26/16 at 8:35&8:36
(The #'s stink as a divination of itself)
To to 6
Won 6
Forever See 5
Forever See 6

Convo btwn J&J

Q951 led me to Heinz ketchup weapons

Current Q4793 -Q951=
See Forever 42 (NU NEwS: For To be Cut)5D

John Kerry is Deep State's "most famous" swift boater in Viet Nam’s history

He was awarded a slew of medals just like we saw Obama give to Weinstein, Oprah, & Ellen

"Is it really that hard to believe [F] actors are able to bribe those in key positions within the US to betray their Country?"

When Kerry tried to run for Pres in 2004
A group including Jerome Corsi assembled a team called:

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

They managed to
stop Kerry's ascension

A Man serving directly with Kerry supported the group but was only ever BRAVE enough to appear in commercials

The EnEmY within: thE dEEp StatE

Back to Q4793 for more Kerry nuggets:
47 --> DG IC
DG is 👺
D0G> I C~See

#’s x’d= 2625
To 6 a 25
Controlled 5th Column Asset

See 42 Forever
Heinz 57
Kerry married Heinz HeireSS

+’d= 63 JFK☠️
Not only did Kerry spend the Yr before on boat with JFK
Kerry's Initials are:

Kerry datED 1/2 sis of JacQueline Kennedy
"A wealthy family long prominent in Boston
Family's Fortune From trading opium & tea btwn N America &

-’d=57 Heinz (Kerry's Money)
DOB 12/11/43

"Let's be real clear
The CIA just attacked the Command & Chief"

Kerry is Deep State's Ghoul
The Ghoul had a lil problem

4 Days before 11/8/16 Election,
Kerry urgently announces a trip:

A trip to Antarctica

Houston, We have a problem
"2 police Chases at same time"
They knew they lost
Kerry then flew into Antarctica on:
4 1's & a 6
"You have no idea how sick and evil these people are'
Game Over

Kerry flew over to Antarctica on a C17👀Globemaster

"Kerry found himself in the cockpit give the pilot directions"


The rabbit hole continues:
Kerry travels as Obama Rep asking "The Guardians" to intervene "for help" once the Deep State realized they just lost control to Trump

Kerry Forgot The Rule:
The only reason one can approach "The Guardians" is if one is returning alien artifacts

Article reports that the Guardians punished NZ with an earthquake since they supported Kerry into Antarctica

Think about the clown ChristChurch, NZ video right after Podesta had visited

Let's learn more about these

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