People mistake situations:

The Purva karma/ Pitru karma/ Desha karma puts you in a certain situation in life: that’s your chart’s reflection (grahas etc)
Your reaction to it in sadhana form is your Agami karma (partly) dependant on your FREE WILL.

Let’s take example 1 on Purva Karma:
The Purva karma/ Pitru karma/ Desha karma puts you in a certain situation in life: that’s your chart’s reflection (grahas etc)
You are in a boat (with passengers) and that boat springs a leak, sinks!
Purva Karma brought you into the water.
You have a choice:
1: Either you decide it was your Prarabdha and decide to drown or start calling for help
2: You thought about this scenario few years back and learnt swimming and floating and techniques to calm yourself.
Your Agami karma: Swim/Float/Stay alive
Similarly, you are in a desolate place and suddenly for no fault of yours, without doing anything wrong, you got attacked or harassed: That’s ur Purva Karma.
You can:
1. Stay there be harassed. (God will help or not)
2. You run/ think your way out/ pay your way out Agami karma
That’s the mistake people make:
They think that YOU are at fault or you are to BLAME just for being there:
BUT that’s wrong: it could be your Pitru karma being released/ karma of the land/ etc.
YOUR REACTION/ Action is the Agami karma, that’s all you have control over.
Now: Why do I say:

“Your reaction to it in sadhana form is your Agami karma (PARTLY) dependant on your FREE WILL.”
That’s because the womb in which you were born dictates what your thinking was as it controls your environment for first 10 years which = ur THINKING
That’s where sadhana /Samskaras work:
If you apply those well, then you use your Free Will to do something which will hopefully partly free you from whatever circumstance u are in:
It need not be necessary to lift the rock, slightly moving it will allow ur foot to come free.

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