Simple Planetary Remedies In Vedic Astrology -
If any planet is affiliated or debilitated in your chart follow these simple remedies.

•Sun ☀️- Perform meditations with the Sun, perform Sun salutations, Surya Namaskar Yoga & chant Sun (Surya) mantras during sun hora (hour).

follow a routine work at fixed time, Set realistic goals,Staying active and getting regular daily exercise.
•Moon 🌙 - Drinking water from copper or silver (chandi) vessels has astrological & scientific benefits as it strength moon in our chart. As per Ayurveda it serves as brain stimulant which enable us to think clearer it also gives soothing & calming effect to our body.
Doing meditation during moon hora or sitting under a shadow of a tree strengthen moon in our kundali.
• Mars - Fasting on Tuesday, physical workout daily, wear red cloths or keep red piece of cloth with you. Always try to have warm food don't keep food cold. Donate red lentils or red clothes on Tuesday to needy people.
•Jupiter - keep your North east direction always clean and keep deities pictures there. Donate yellow cloths,Saffron , turmeric
or bananas to needy people on Thursday. Wearing gold also strengthen Jupiter.
•Mercury -Journaling, writing daily, walking in garden or spending time in greenery activate mercury and 3rd house. Doing breathing exercises during Mercury hora strengthen mercury and it also has health benefits.
•Venus - keep your bedroom always clean. Lit fragrances or keep perfume and fresh flowers at home. Start taking feet bath at night or in Venus hora.
•Saturn - keep time management, start fitness or yoga ,always complete your work in time. Don't keep promises which you can't fullfil as shani is karmafal daata. Always respect your elders and help needy and older age people, give donations on Saturday.
•Rahu - Pursue any hobbies,try to clear away from any kind of drama. Never keep any non functioning electronic items at home. Keep your south west direction of home always clean as this direction rules by rahu as per vastu sastra.
•Ketu - Worship lord Ganesha as he is the deity associated with ketu. Feeding dogs as dog is also associated with ketu. Start doing half and hour mediation before sleeping.
Whole point of making this thread is that people of any culture and religion can do these remedies for their planets as most remedies in vedic astrology are about chanting mantra and doing rituals. 🙏🏽

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