Saudi scapegoats general for assassination of #Khashoggi:

By royal decree, Ahmed Assiri has been removed from his post as a deputy intelligence chief.

This is insane.

The Saudis brought a BONE SAW with them.
“He got in a fight with 18 of our guys and accidentally died so then we totes had to cut up his body so we could transport his remains more easily.”

(KSA has not addressed the whereabouts of #Khashoggi in revealing the results of its “investigation.”)
Crown Prince MbS is using this to consolidate power.

(There were hopeful rumors the King would rein him in.)

This feels very Kushner-like, tbh.
This thread is really what they’re going with. All in.

I anticipate the WH will accept this version that offers (barely) plausible deniability to MbS and celebrates his and the Kingdom’s “transparency” and “swift action,” or something to that effect.

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