15 Powerful Lessons From The Book "The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them"

- Female Psychology Thread -

You should talk to a woman as if she already is your lover and sexual partner, not a stranger or friend.
a male should treat a female he wants like a woman; he should make her feel feminine. That includes protecting her and shielding her from discomfort, but he should not sacrifice himself while doing so — as women do not want that. Only society does.
When you are able to confidently hold the gaze of women with the intent of waiting for them to nonverbally submit and look away first

you just gave her a very powerful nonverbal compliment; you told her that she is attractive and interesting to you
Just do not give up at the first signs of resistance because you can break through many barriers with persistence.
The reality is that all females enjoy doing so-called slutty things, but no female wants to be perceived as a slut.
women in general will not approach men. They will not plan dates, they will not call first, and they simply will not make anything interesting actually happen until you have had sex with them and have officially formed a relationship that is socially recognized.
All men are dominant as dominance is a requisite for confidence, which is the primary expression of masculinity.
A direct approach takes enormous balls, and you will be oozing with confidence right away because of it. Women will feel this instantly and respond completely differently than if you started talking to them using an excuse, as any coward could do and as many cowards already do.
To be interesting enough for a woman is quite easy, because all it really takes is to be charming; to show her that you are interested in her.
a woman is not interested in a male who gives up easily. A male willing to spend some time and effort is obviously very interested in her and thinks she is worth it, but also confident that he can eventually get her.
You should never, ever settle and lower your standards, because when you do, you actually make your life harder.
The best way to get girls is actually not to play the game or to think outside the box; it is to avoid playing games and to step outside the box completely. It involves changing your mindset from being indirect with women to being direct, from being feminine to being masculine.
In every couple, only one of the two can be dominant, and one of them always is. Therefore, to be a dominant male automatically means to treat women as submissive and expect them to be submissive. This is inevitable.
if you want to be attractive at all times, you would always be dominant, no matter the circumstances.
Women are more comfortable if males make all the moves, particularly since whenever you try to advance the relationship, you risk facing resistance.

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