I’ve read over 30 self-help books in the past 11 years

Here are 7 key takeaways I’ve learned 🧵

We've never seen such a high demand for Self-Help/Self-Development content.

This is the symptom of a generation that feels:


Which caused a spike in demand for self-help, books, therefore the number of books on the topic increased.
Thousands of new Self-Help books are being pumped out every year now.

And even though some of the authors are just grifters trying to make a quick buck, some of these books actually give some solid advice.

As someone who was depressed, I CRAVED for these books.
That's what led me to read over 30 books on the subject.

Here are 7 takeaways I've learned (Last one is KEY):
1. Mindset is everything

This is quite obvious but is worth mentioning because of its importance.

No matter how hard you try, if the right Mindset isn't there, everything you do will feel like an uphill battle.

¿Can you change your Mindset?
Of course, Mindset can be fixed. Among the solutions proposed in books, there's:

*High-fiving yourself
*Guided Meditations

And the most effective one, which will be covered in point 5.

However, the right mindset is useless if you don't...
2. Expose yourself to hardship

A huge part of growth is what the experts call "moving out of your comfort zone".

What does this mean? Exposing yourself to :

*Uncomfortable situations
*Tasks that you have little experience on
*Hard things that you've always wanted to do
My personal approach is to do it step by step.

Jumping right into the LIon's den is like trying to bench press 300 pounds without any weightlifting experience.

So my recommendation is for you to GRADUALLY expose yourself to these situations.
3. Have realistic goals:

Once you feel comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone, is time to start planning.

When setting goals, take into account:

*What you like doing
*What you're good at
*What can you make a living from...
Where those 3 intersect, is what you should aim for.

Once you know what your goal is, you must figure out HOW to do it, which takes us to our next point.
4. Move one step at the time

This is quite hard in the TL;DR and YOLO generation.

We want the World and we want it NOW.

But the reality is that goals take TIME and PATIENCE to be accomplished.
My recommendation is for you to divide your main goal into a subset of smaller goals. Here's an example

GOAL: Learning Guitar


1)Learn 3 chords
2)Learn the pentatonic Scale
3)Learn 3 more chords
4)Play my first song

You get the idea, next point is...
5. Positive Self-Talk

Now that you have a plan, you must FEEL you can actually DO IT.

Although I've already covered some of the methods proposed to improve your mindset...

Positive Self Talk is the most effective by far!
Most books suggest that you implement it via affirmations:

*15' in the morning
*15' before you take a nap
*15' before you go to sleep

My personal recommendation is that you should make use of a positive inner dialogue ALL THE TIME in order to develop the habit ASAP.
6. Take Action!

Now that you overcame your fears and have a solid plan, it's time to make it happen.

Mindset and planning are useless if you don't take action. And the sooner you do it the better.

So, once you're finished with points 1-6, START MOVING!
7. The Truth is inside YOU:

We all want to get told EXACTLY what to do, and HOW.

But the fact is, we're all unique, which means that there's one truth for every single one of us.

It's great to take advice, but in the end, it's all up to us.
So don't be afraid of making small (or big) tweaks to the techniques proposed here (and in the books).

You're the one who will make it happen, and despite all the advice, you must do it your way.

A healthy mix of advice+individuality is what will take you to the next level.
That's a wrap!

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