11 dirty little secrets that will triple your progress in the gym (I’m not joking).


1. Give yourself incentives for achieving your goals that do not hurt your progress:

Celebrating a weight loss milestone by having 2 giant pizzas is like celebrating a week of sobriety with a bottle of champagne.

Choose incentives that are enjoyable but keep you on track.
For example, every night you hit your protein intake, enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate.

The concept of positive reinforcement is something that has been proven to be effective.

The tricky part is finding incentives that keep you track to achieving your goals.
2. Supersets:

While 1 muscle is resting, the other is working.

Supersets are a great way to get more volume without spending more time in the gym.

Typical supersets involve 2 exercises training opposite muscle groups.

E.g chest and back, legs and shoulders
3. Record your form:

Recording yourself gives you unbiased perspective of technical proficiency.

You will be able to identify form deficiencies and can work to improve them.

Compare footage every week or two to assess your progress.
4. Don’t just rely on the scale:

The scale is one measure of tracking your progress and it doesn’t show the entire picture.
Look at:

- Your strength progress

- Weekly progress pictures

- Your energy levels

- How your clothes are fitting

In addition to your weight to get the best representation of your progress.
5. Carbs + caffeine 1 hour before workout:

Fast digesting carbs combined with 100-150mg of caffeine 1 hour before you workout will result in increased strength and endurance.

Just make sure you don’t drink caffeine past 1pm.
6. Train your weakest muscle groups first:

It’s human nature to neglect our weaknesses.

This results in widening the gap between your strong muscle groups and your weak muscle groups.

Muscle imbalances can lead to injury and an asymmetrical physique just does look good.
Training your weakest muscle groups first eliminates the chance you skip it.

And makes sure you are fully energised when you train those muscle groups.
7. Seek accountability:

- Write down your goals
- Join a community (Only Kings)
- Find an accountability partner

Having some form of external accountability makes 10x easier to show up on days where you don’t feel like it.
8. Use lifting straps:

Lifting straps are great for heavy back movements such as barbell rows.

You want your back to give out first, not your grip strength or forearms.
9. Deload every 12-20 weeks:

The longer you have been training for, the more frequent you need to take deloads.

Deloads help with longevity and injury prevention.
On your deload weeks: the only thing that changes is the volume and intensity.

This is your chance to practice technical proifencye while recovering.
10. Drop sets:

After you complete your set, drop the weigh by 20-30% and continue the set to failure.

Drop sets increase time under tension and lead to faster progress.
11. Train your weakest muscle groups more frequently:

Muscle imbalances can be due to genetics but mostly its due to asymmetrical volume.

If you train your shoulders 2x more often then you train your back, your shoulders will be more developed.
So the easiest way to improve a lagging muscle group is by training it more often.

Train each muscle group 2x a week and train your lagging muscle groups 3x a week.
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1. Follow @TheCoachRaj I post 2-3 threads a week just like this.

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Appreciate you ❤️

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