I became a millionaire at 35, and

a multi-millionaire at 37.

If you want to become a millionaire in your 30s, read this:

• Own Your Shit

Unless you win the lottery, nobody will hand you $1 million.

You have to own your life:

• Know what you want
• Understand what it takes
• Do the work. Day in. Day out
• Invest in Yourself

Wealthy people never stop learning:

• Books
• Coaches
• Online courses
• Business teachers

They spend money to make money.

The average person focuses on the $10,000 cost,

but the wealthy person focuses on the $100,000 they will make from it.
• Focus on Rare Skills

People focus on in-demand skills, instead,

focus on Rare Skills.

Rare skills are a combo of multiple skill-sets that mix into a super-power,

such as an accountant who:

• Understands leadership
• Is a public speaker
• Is a strong writer
• Outwork The Room

You have a white-collar job,

but you need to have a blue-collar work ethic.

Whether it's your business, or a 9-5, hard work gets you the reward:

• Work on the right thing
• Be smart about it
• Outwork others
• Be in the Right Room

You will become wealthy by learning from wealthy people.

Get in the right rooms.

You will become wealthy when your friends are focused on becoming wealthy.

Build the right circle.

You are who you surround yourself with.
• Spend Less Than you Make

You will not become wealthy by trying to look wealthy. That is a path to the poor house.

You need your money working for you.

Spend less than you're making and invest:

• as soon as you can
• as much as you can
• as consistently as you can
• Buy Real Estate

90% of millionaires get there through real estate—the simplest path for all of us.

We don't need to be smart enough to be an entrepreneur or launch a startup.

We buy the right assets in the right locations.

As Shaan says:

• Use Leverage

Most financial twitter tells you debt is terrible. They're right, to an extent, but not all debt is created equal.

Bad debt:

• Credit cards
• consumer loans

Good debt:

• mortgages on real estate
• loans to start a profitable business
• Take alternative views

If only 1% of adults are millionaires,

why would you follow what 99% of people are doing?

To succeed at the highest levels in shorter periods, be willing to be wrong.

You need to take contrarian views, and

Buy when there is blood in the streets.
• Be Convicted in Your Views

Taking a contrarian view isn't enough,

You need to take action on those views.

The single greatest driver of your financial success will be the actions you take. Day in. Day out.
• Whatever you Decide, Go Deep

• You're convicted
• You are taking action

Now, you need to go deep.

The average person diversifies, great.

You've already decided you don't want to be average.

Once you know your path to becoming a millionaire, you need to go deep.

If you want to be a millionaire in ten years:

• Spend less than you make
• Take alternative views
• Focus on rare skills
• Outwork the room
• Invest in yourself
• The right room
• Buy real estate
• Own your shit
• Be convicted
• Use leverage
• Go deep
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Until tomorrow,

Coach Clint

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