10 universal skills that are hard to learn, but will pay off forever:

1. Ability to Adapt, Improvise and Overcome Obstacles:

Life is not fair, it’s complex and your dedication to keep moving is what allows you to win.

During tough times:

Change your attitude, seek alternative routes, get creative and overcome what life throws at you.
2. Ability to Sell and Negotiate:

Everything you do is a sale or a negotiation process.

If you want a job, then you need to be able to sell your skillset over that of other hires.

Selling can be taught and it will prove to be highly useful to have under your belt.
3. Public Speaking:

Public speaking is a skill and an asset that will last for years.

You may feel uncomfortable doing it in the beginning

But with persistence and consistency, you will become perfect in it, and it will pay off in the future.
4. Having a backbone:

"People treat you the way you treat yourself, not the way you treat others"

- Do you know what you stand for?
- Who you are as a person?

Once you do, you can start acting accordingly.

You will stand your ground, you will not let others walk all over you.
5. Being honest with yourself:

Whatever you are doing, you must be brutally honest with yourself.

Focus on being good at what you do and
strive to better yourself daily.
6. Being consistent:

Success is not a one-time action but a continuous process.

There is no time to mourn over your failures as it wastes time.

Just pick yourself up and keep moving on.
7. Positive Self-talk:

It doesn’t matter what others think of you, but what you think of yourself certainly does.

To upgrade your mindset, change your negative self-talk to an empowerment speech.
8. Time Management:

Some people use their time efficiently, while others choose to waste it.

The first person will live a great life while the other one will get angry at God for making life unfair.

Every day you vote with your time of how you wish your life to be.
9. Discipline:

Your life can be dramatically improved for the better if you get better at discipline.

No matter how small of a step you make every day, give it enough time and you will reach your destination.
10. Meditation:

This is one of the most premium skills anyone can have in their arsenal.

Over 80% of successful people have a form of daily meditation practice in their lives.

Everybody else ignores this as they have no idea how to do it and how valuable it actually is.
If you want to transform into the best version of yourself,

Read "Awakening"

It will help you:

- get to know yourself better
- gain clarity about your purpose
- become focused and disciplined

Check it out here: https://t.co/3UkGNV8QY1
And that's a wrap!

Which of these 10 skills are you currently trying to master?

Let me know below.
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1. Please Retweet the first tweet.

2. Follow me @Mindset_Machine for more!


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