Live with purpose, reach your potential, and master your mindset...

19 of life's secret weapons: 🧵

What's a "secret weapon?"

In this context, I'm referring to lessons I've learned that have had an outsized impact on my life.

And I bet they will for you too.

Let's dive in 👇
1/ It’s never about the tools.

It’s about how you use them.

The best baseball players will hit my fastball no matter what bats they use.

The best marketers will succeed no matter what tech stack they choose.

Stop looking for a magic wand and start mastering the basics.
2/ When you commit to something, be all in.

It’s either a "hell yes" or a "no thank you."

Be deliberate with how you spend your time. It's the most precious asset.

h/t @dklineii
3/ Get skin in the game.

Want to learn something? Do it.

You can read every book on the fundamentals of writing.

But you won't truly learn anything until you start writing and publishing.
4/ 20% of your actions produce 80% of the results.

Start looking for this. It’s everywhere.

20% of your customers produce 80% of revenue.

20% of your threads generate 80% of your impressions.

Ready for this?

20% of the 20% drives 80% of the 20% 🤯 (re-read that 5 times)
5/ People who are brutally honest with you are the real ones.

Have people in your corner that are not afraid to tell you the hard truth.

These are the people that deeply care about you and your well-being.
6/ What gets measured gets managed.

Track your progress. Keep a journal.

It's amazing what you'll learn by keeping track of your actions.

It's incredibly motivating too.
7/ Stop talking AT each other.

Start having conversations.

Get past the surface-level stuff.

e.g. Do you know the hardest thing your best friend has ever had to go through?

If not, find out. You’ll be 100x closer for it.

h/t @ShaanVP
8/ Time left with family

When you do the math, it's scary how much time you have left with your family.

Make more time for them and cherish it.
9/ Listen more than you talk.

You have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason.

People like to talk about themselves.

Shut up and listen.
10/ 90% done is better than perfect. Ship it.

In school, we're taught to strive for perfect scores and memorization.

But in the real world, if you try to be perfect, you’ll take too long and miss opportunities.

Get something live. Test and iterate.
11/ Give. Give. Give. Then Ask.

Give more than you take.

Provide value before selling.

So simple, but so powerful.

You'll end up getting more in return
Sell. Sell. Sell.

h/t @garyvee
12/ Compounding actions.

Doing something consistently for a long period of time will unlock amazing results.

e.g. Anybody can start writing a book. Few can finish one.

You can accomplish so much by just sticking with it.
13/ BUT... know when it’s time to quit.

Growing up, we're taught that quitting is a sign of failure.

But it's actually a skill.

Picking the RIGHT projects to work on (and stick with) is crucial to success.

Drop the distractions when you realize you're wasting time.
14/ Be relentless about finding your passion.

You spend 16% of your life working.

Don't waste it doing something you hate.

When you find your passion, the quality of your work and life improves dramatically.
15/ Own up to mistakes.

Nobody is always right.

You will get more respect for admitting mistakes than pretending to know everything.
16/ Speak up for yourself.

Nobody else will. Even if you deserve it.

Have confidence in yourself.

So much of life is simply asking.

Want a raise?
Want a promotion?
Want to close a sale?


You almost always have nothing to lose.
17/ Be grateful for the little things

Every day isn't going to be the thrill of a lifetime.

Enjoy the little moments of happiness.

Like using Rock-Paper-Scissors to settle anything.

h/t @NeilPasricha
18/ No screens before bed.

Read a book for 30min instead before your head hits the pillow.

You’ll learn more (by reading) and get much better sleep.
19/ Try things multiple times.

You change over time.

Something that didn’t click round 1 might hit different later on.

A few personal examples:
• Running
• Meditation
• Game of Thrones
• Writing on Twitter

I tried all of these and stopped at first.

Now, I love them all.
Thanks for reading!

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And follow me @joe_portsmouth

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Tip from the Monkey
Pangolins, September 2019 and PLA are the key to this mystery
Stay Tuned!

1. Yang

2. A jacobin capuchin dangling a flagellin pangolin on a javelin while playing a mandolin and strangling a mannequin on a paladin's palanquin, said Saladin
More to come tomorrow!

3. Yigang Tong

4. YT Interview
Some bats & pangolins carry viruses related with SARS-CoV-2, found in SE Asia and in Yunnan, & the pangolins carrying SARS-CoV-2 related viruses were smuggled from SE Asia, so there is a possibility that SARS-CoV-2 were coming from

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