#DontLookUp is the ultimate demonstration of leftists' unwarranted smugness and lack of self-awareness.

If you haven't seen the movie, allow me to save you the 2.5 insufferable hours. ๐Ÿงต

The premise is that two astronomers, Leo and JLaw, discover a massive 9km-wide comet heading straight for Earth, predicting a 99.7% chance of impact in six months. Black NASA Guy does a Peer Reviewโ„ข for them. The film uses this as an analogy for global warming. Yes, really.
Already, we have an unbearably affected, histrionic comparison: in the leftist mind, global warmingโ€”a long, slow, and extremely overblown processโ€”is exactly like a planet-killer object with a near-100% certainty of striking the Earth & killing us all. Off to a great start.
This sort of overly-dramatic, unreasonable comparison isn't unlike those found with regard to C_VID policy: "you wear a seatbelt, don't you?" Masking to stop a weak-ass virus is just like wearing a seatbelt to keep from being thrown through the windshield in a car crash.
As an aside, I found it extremely funny how they made JLaw's character look like the Zoomer Wojak Yerba Mate Witchtokker, as if you just spotted her smoking a cigarette in the corner of a basement house show in Logan Square or something. Very relatable! ๐Ÿ™„
Leo, JLaw, and Black NASA Guy take their findings to the White House, where Female Trump (yes, really) flippantly dismisses their concerns and says it can wait until after the midtermsโ€”wow, such an incisive indictment of the Darkness that Democracy Dies Inโ„ข!
This is where the film takes an interesting turn: these same people like Cenk, or the director of #DontLookUp, Adam McKay, love to wax romantic about "muh democracy is under threat," when the way they talk about their enemies betrays their true feelings on the matter.
See, the movie doesn't stop with Female Trump being a big dumb redneck idiot who won't Trust the Science. JLaw and Leo take their findings to the media in an attempt to force the White House's hand. They go on a GMA-style morning talk show. You can imagine how this goes.
The hosts are, well, TV hostsโ€”vacuous presenters who just want to make a good impression on people in the morningโ€”and so the doom-mongering falls flat. JLaw has a meltdown and screams about how everyone is going to die. People don't take it seriously and make memes of her.
At first, I thought the movie was going to set up some moment of lucidity for our plucky sh_tlib heroesโ€”maybe this was supposed to be a lesson to JLaw's character that acting like a screeching child is an ineffective, off-putting strategy? But I was so very, very wrong.
Not only does the film just move on from this moment as though everyone else is wrong for not taking it seriously, but they actually double down on it. The astronomers continue this strategy, using words like "panic" and "terrified" to get their message out. Yes, really.
But it gets much more obnoxious than this. At one point, opinion polls come out saying that about a quarter of Americans don't even believe the comet is realโ€”more ham-fisted commentary on how people won't Trust the Science.
Leo even gets in a Twitter argument. Yes, really:
Now, returning to the point on "democracy"โ€”this very much reminds me of how Jon Stewart tipped his hand with the "just do an executive order" stuff in a recent interviewโ€”and the piece I wrote about it:
In one breath, these people will self-righteously monologue at you about the value of democracy and tales of how dEmAgOgUeS & FaScIsTs are trying to ruin it, then confess that they view their enemies with edgy "dark triad" contempt and that they want to go full Stalin.
They make the connection that "democracy"โ€”at least, in the modernist sense that they think of itโ€”is largely fanciful and unworkable. But instead of admitting this and adjusting their worldview, they continue to feign concern as an emotive rhetorical tactic. It's sociopathic.
See, the implication of #DontLookUp is that everyone is too stupid for The Scienceโ„ข. The main characters spend the entire movie expressing self-righteous contempt for the people they're trying to save. This is how leftists view themselves: tragic saviors of unworthy proles.
Black NASA Guy is the most sagely and level-headed of the three astronomers, and he often mourns "how hard they tried"โ€”if only they had devised the right way to explain the situation to all the dumb rubes, everything would have worked out! Sound familiar?
Long story short, the movie ends with corporations proposing a plan to mine the comet for rare-earth minerals. The government goes along with it and everybody dies. Even in their last moments, JLaw and Leo die feeling smugly self-assured.
#DontLookUp takes great pains to constantly remind us how Smart & Correct the main characters are, and how abjectly Stupid, Uneducated and Cartoonishly Evil everyone else in the movie is.

Like this old chestnutโ€”it's really how they think of themselves & their enemies:
It's extremely easy to do this with a lead-in like "there is a comet and it's going to kill us all"โ€”but even this is revealing as to the level of certainty leftists have in their beliefs. They're so sure of their views that this seems like a reasonable comparison to them.
They act exactly the same way on issues like C_VID, gun control, abortion "rights," etcโ€”everything pertains to cataclysmic, imminent death and oppression where we'll literally have to live in the Republican Voldemort Handmaid's Death Star.
Much like Jon Stewart, the defense of this movie seems to be "bUt It'S a SaTiRe"โ€”where all the satire lies in how stupid everyone else is, how evil the President is, and the portrayal of the media as somehow "ignoring" climate change as an issue is straight-up delusional.
This Motte & Bailey is typical of leftist "comedy," where they start with an absurd misrepresentation of what a given issue is even really about, then retreat to the "it's just a joke" defense when called on it.
#DontLookUp could have been a great commentary on how leftists undermine and clown on themselves due to their compulsive unwarranted smugness, but unfortunately it was written by said smug leftists, so this wasn't possible. The cast is a who's-who of climate alarmists:
The entire premise locks them into that smugness by using such a dramatic, certain example, because the point of the movie is to express frustration at how the Evil and Dumb People won't listen to how Obviously Correct they are.
As @TimJDillon put it, #DontLookUp is a movie Adam McKay made for "his friends," for people just as smug and insufferable as him. They don't care if it has mass appeal, or even if it's funny on a basic level, only that it's funny to them and scratches the smugness itch.
This is why it played so well with buffoons like Cenkโ€”he's that exact sort of clueless, smug, unselfaware person this movie is made for. It exists to validate his exact sort of preconceived notions, without ever intruding upon them for even a moment.
Would be fun to see a film like this where a problem starts small, but has the potential to snowball, and the only person who can send warnings up the chain has a history of crying wolf. THAT would be an accurate depiction of leftists trying to convince people of things.
Say there's a problem with a local water main in a small city, and the city council won't approve the funding to fix it, but the lower-level person who's aware of how bad it could get is just a total spaz about it and can't get anyone to listen to him. Like a South Park ep.
That's the disconnectโ€”they feel like people don't listen to them because we're all Stupid and Evilโ€”when in reality, people often DO listen to them just to get a brief reprieve from their shrill whining. So when a real issue crops up, people don't want to hear it.
All in all, it's a trainwreck of a movieโ€”the shrill hysteria part is 100% serious, while the "satire" part is that everyone else too stupid to become hystericalโ€”exactly like in real life, right?

Just not the way Adam McKay and David Sirota would think.
It's not about parties, I'm just working with what the movie gives us. Adam McKay does try to do what he thinks passes for self-awareness, but it really takes a backseat to his own biases, as it did in movies like Vice.
The issue I have isn't one of partisanship, but with the "Smart Enlightened Leftists" vs Everyone Else dichotomy. #DontLookUp pokes fun at preoccupation with social media and pop culture, which is largely driven by politically unengaged people.
The message ends up being "only the Smart Enlightened Leftists care about or understand the issues" and saddles them with the burden of educating the Everyone Else.
I mostly just enjoy it in a masochistic sort of way. I didn't need to watch the whole movie to see where it was going, but the full package is very instructive as to how these people think.

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Pangolins, September 2019 and PLA are the key to this mystery
Stay Tuned!

1. Yang

2. A jacobin capuchin dangling a flagellin pangolin on a javelin while playing a mandolin and strangling a mannequin on a paladin's palanquin, said Saladin
More to come tomorrow!

3. Yigang Tong
Archived: https://t.co/ncz5ruwE2W

4. YT Interview
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Simple and effective way 2 make Money

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Criticisms are most welcomed.
I'm going to do two history threads on Ethiopia, one on its ancient history, one on its modern story (1800 to today). ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡น

I'll begin with the ancient history ... and it goes way back. Because modern humans - and before that, the ancestors of humans - almost certainly originated in Ethiopia. ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡น (sub-thread):

The first likely historical reference to Ethiopia is ancient Egyptian records of trade expeditions to the "Land of Punt" in search of gold, ebony, ivory, incense, and wild animals, starting in c 2500 BC ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡น

Ethiopians themselves believe that the Queen of Sheba, who visited Israel's King Solomon in the Bible (c 950 BC), came from Ethiopia (not Yemen, as others believe). Here she is meeting Solomon in a stain-glassed window in Addis Ababa's Holy Trinity Church. ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡น

References to the Queen of Sheba are everywhere in Ethiopia. The national airline's frequent flier miles are even called "ShebaMiles". ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡น