Tripura Police has put UAPA on 102 entities regarding recent violence, including on Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC)

IAMC was quick to play victim.

What IAMC didn't tell is its relations with Pan-Islamist networks- Jamaat, & terror-linked groups.

A thread

IAMC is a US-based Jamaat affiliated group which is hub for all anti-India activities - from lobbying against India to committing COVID-19 donation fraud to spreading fake news.

IAMC was founded in 2002 by Dr. Shaik Ubaid (SU), former General Secretary of ICNA- the American arm of Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI). Though SU conveniently denied his association with ICNA & later IAMC he continued to work with them to target India via Burma Task Force (BTF).

IAMC is headed by Rasheed Ahmed. He was Executive Director (2008-17) of IMANA.

IMANA is one of the 3 Islamist charities which collected millions of dollars for helping India in Covid & spent peanuts.

IMANA is linked to Pak Jamaat & terror groups including LeT, & HM.

Some of the members of IAMC like Kaleem Kawaja have been a vocal supporter of Taliban.

IAMC has been working against Indian interests since its inception. While it claims that it’s against present govts’ policies, IAMC has been lobbying against India to USCIRF to get India listed as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) even during Congress govt in 2013-14!

IAMC hired US lobbying firm Fidelis Government Relations (FGR) in 2013-14 for $40K to lobby USCIRF against India. The influence of which can be seen to date

Best part: to lobby against India, it collected funds in name of helping Rohingyas & Kosovo

For effective lobbying, IAMC manufactures evidence via fake news to incite communal violence & reinforces the narrative of minority plight in India- from fabricated stories on CAA to Tripura violence
They even created a fake database DOTO to show ‘atrocities’ on minorities

IAMC went quiet after it was exposed early this year, but there has been a sudden resurgence. Why?

Having lobbied USCIRF to designate India as CPC, it wants to create noise to influence the US Congress where USCIRF report will be discussed.

Important to note that this year Shaik Ubaid via BTF had already paid money to lobby firm Fidelis Government Relations to lobby the US Congress.

A series of incidences in India – from Assam to fake trolling of Shami to Tripura violence may not be coincidences.

It is showing how such organizations manage to push their agendas despite getting exposed repeatedly, & even manage to engage some influencers in India.

We will continue to expose their nexus, & soon will be coming with an updated report.

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