
Lucknow or #Laxmanavati ?

टीले वाली मस्जिद या लक्ष्मण टीला ?

According to the so-called historians Lucknow was settled by mulzim nawabs & they called it as "Nawabo ka Seher"

But did you know what the real name of Lucknow was ?

How the hindu history of lucknow changed in the history of Nawabs?

History of lucknow has been associated with the Ramayana period, Lucknow was formely named after Laxmana, the younger brother of Shri Rama i.e. Laxmanavati or Laxmanapur.
According to the information available in various websites #लक्ष्मण_टीला which is located in lucknow, now known as #टीले_वाली_मस्जिद , the cave of Shehnag near this Laxman Tila was demolished by Khilji and later masjid was built by Aurangzeb at this place.
According to the research done by P.Noak, there was a hole in the earth above the Lakshman Tila in which Hindus used to offer water and flowers,because according to theirs, this hole goes to the head of Sheshnag, according to shashtras he kept the whole earth on his head.
In June 27, 2018, 2 BJP councilors Rajneesh Gupta and Ramakrishna Yadav again asked for the Mūrti of Laxman to be erected in front of this masjid, then the Imam of the mosque oppose him by saying that it may create disturbance for mulzims in offering namaz and
they might didn't like it ..

After a long argument between both the sides ,once again the voice of justice disappeared in the noise of Aajaan .

Sources :Book of P.N.Oak & few articles

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#Thread on #BhagvadGita : The Divine Gift of Shri Krishna to ब्रह्माण्ड!

Tomorrow is the Ekadashi of Margasirsha Shukla Paksh , the day when Sri Krishna gave the divine knowledge of Bhagvad Gita. Honestly speaking,no one has the capability to describe the glories of this divine knowledge Bhagvad Gitā in
https://t.co/SnrpNuIV8L comes under 'Bhishma

Parva' which is from Chapter 13 to 42.

The first chapter of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta begins with chapter 25 of Bhishma Parva.

The names of 4 Parva that comes under Bhishma Parva are:
1) Jambhund Nirman Parv
2) Bhoomi Parva
3) Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Parva
4)BhismaVadh Parva

Description of all the chapters are given in Padma Purana briefly and Gītāsaar in Agnipurana.

This book is the compilation of all the Shashtras.

इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम् |
विवस्वान्मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत् |

According to this shloka Sri Hari gave the divine Gyaan of Gita to Surya Dev before giving it to Arjuna.

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The Swastik is a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon. Swastik has been Sanatan Dharma’s symbol of auspiciousness – mangalya since time immemorial.

The name swastika comes from Sanskrit (Devanagari: स्वस्तिक, pronounced: swastik) &denotes “conducive to wellbeing or auspicious”.
The word Swastik has a definite etymological origin in Sanskrit. It is derived from the roots su – meaning “well or auspicious” & as meaning “being”.

"सु अस्ति येन तत स्वस्तिकं"
Swastik is de symbol through which everything auspicios occurs

Scholars believe word’s origin in Vedas,known as Swasti mantra;

"🕉स्वस्ति ना इन्द्रो वृधश्रवाहा
स्वस्ति ना पूषा विश्ववेदाहा
स्वस्तिनास्तरक्ष्यो अरिश्तनेमिही
स्वस्तिनो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु"

It translates to," O famed Indra, redeem us. O Pusha, the beholder of all knowledge, redeem us. Redeem us O Garudji, of limitless speed and O Bruhaspati, redeem us".


The Swastika represents the living creation in the whole Cosmos.

Hindu astronomers divide the ecliptic circle of cosmos in 27 divisions called
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