#sculpture #story -

Chandesha-Anugraha Murti - One of the Sculpture in Brihadeshwara Temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram - built by Raja Rajendra Chola I

This Sculpture depicts Bhagwan Shiva along with Devi Paravathi blessing Chandeshwara - one of the 63 Nayanmars.


Chandeshwara/Chandikeshwara is regarded as custodian of Shiva Temple's wealth&most of Shiva temples in South India has separate sannathi for him.

His bhakti for Bhagwan Shiva elevated him as one of foremost among Nayanmars.
He gave importance to Shiva Pooja&protection of cows.
There are series of paintings, illustrating the #story of Chandikeshwar in the premises of
Sri Sathiyagireeswarar #Temple at Seinganur,near Kumbakonam,TN

Chandikeshwara's birth name
is Vichara sarman.He was born in the village of Senganur on the banks of River Manni.
His Parent names were Yajnathatan and Pavithrai.
Vichara Sarman was a gifted child and he learnt Vedas and Agamas at a very young age.
He was very devout and would always think about Bhagwan Shiva.
One day he saw a cowherd man brutally assaulting a cow,Vichara Sarman could not tolerate this. He spoke to cowherd: ‘Do you not know that the cow is worshipful & divine? All gods & Devas reside in https://t.co/ElLcI5ppsK it is our duty to protect cows &we should not to harm them.
He was very angry on seeing the rude behaviour of the cowherd man, Vichara sarman took up the duty of tending the cows himself.From that day onwards,the cows looked happier and yielded more milk.Cows grew healthier due to care showered by him on them.
After supplying milk to villagers, Vichara Sarma decided to offer milk to Bhagwan https://t.co/728aePG0EV he built Shiva Linga on banks of river Manni with mud&offer abhishek with milk https://t.co/ZB0gQxRLBB villager saw this&complained to his father abt wastage of milk on mud.
Next day,his father followed him at a distance.When Vichara sarman started pouring milk on Mud lingam,his father hit him with a stick &knocked down the milk pot.Vichara Sarma took the stick, prayed to Shiva & hit his father's leg.Stick transformed to an axe &cut his father's leg.
Vichara Sarma was engrossed in worship,that he did not check on what had happened to his father& continued his worship.

Shiva was pleased with his devotion. He appeared along with Parvati Devi & blessed. Named him as 'Chandikeshwar'& crowned Chandesa with a garland of flowers.
Due to his bhakti,Chandesa was blessed by Bhagwan https://t.co/728aePG0EV this form of Shiva is known as Chandesa Anugraha Murti.

NOTE - This sculpture at Gangaikonda Cholapuram is not related to Coronation of Rajendra Chola
📸- respective owner

Source text n painting pics credit templefolks website

Thanks for reading 🙏

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A #story from Bhagavatham
- #Krishna's childhood leelas

This sculpture depicts Krishna leela that happened when he crawled around with Ural/mortar that was tied with rope on his waist.


📸 - A panel from Sri Amruteshwara Temple , Amruthapura,Karnataka

Bhagwan Krishna was a very naughty child.Yashoda being fed up by pranks of Krishna tied him to a mortar/ural with a rope after a great
https://t.co/AgI4HLU48u Krishna is called as Damodara- दाम(dam) means-rope,उदर (udara)means stomach. Later,Yashoda goes inside to do her work.

Left alone in the courtyard,
Krishna started moving about around with the mortar rolling behind him on the move.
On the way,there were 2 huge trees close to each other. Krishna crawled in between the trees & mortar got stuck in between.He tried to pull with all his strength.

As result,uproots twin trees causing them to fall down.The trees transform into 2 Gandharvas - Nalakuvara & Manigriva (sons of Kubera). They were cursed by Rishi Narada into becoming Arjuna trees.Liberated from curse,they thank Bhagwan Krishna.

📸- sculpture at Cheluvanaryana Temple,Melukote,Karnataka

All 📸 in this thread credit to TeamGsquare,stonestories and google
Source text - based on details in TeamGsquare,stonestories blogs

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This is NONSENSE. The people who take photos with their books on instagram are known to be voracious readers who graciously take time to review books and recommend them to their followers. Part of their medium is to take elaborate, beautiful photos of books. Die mad, Guardian.


If you come for Bookstagram, i will fight you.

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