Once, on the day of Laxmi Narayan Vrat, Ma Laxmi wanted to see how the vrat was being observed by her devotees. So she left Jagannath Mandir and moved from house to house.
She was saddened to see people busy with their morning work.

This decline in devotion hurt her. As she was moving, she found the single hut of Sriya Chandalani- a lower cast woman.
The woman was cleaning her house and making pooja preparations. Mata entered her house and accepted her prasada.
Due to this, Ma was late in returning back.
Sri Balrama and Sri Jagannath decided to search for Mata. When they saw her come out of the hut of a low caste woman, Sri Balrama was furious. He asked Jagannath to tell Ma not to enter Mandir before purification.
Jagannath stood helpless. This angered Ma Laxmi.
She cursed them that they would live without food n shelter for years till they accept food from the low caste woman.
So the mandir became devoid of everything. Prabhu kept roaming hungry along with Balrama. Wherever they went, misfortune awaited them. In the end, they saw Sriya
They asked her for food and water. Sriya guided them to Ma Laxmi who finally gave them food and shelter. Ma also agreed to return to Sri Mandir.

With this leela, Sri Jagannath gave the message that a true bhakt is always upheld by Prabhu.

Jai Jagannath🙏🏻

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