***THREAD: 12 Simple Methods For You To Optimize Testosterone Production ***

Male testosterone levels are at an all time low

With the problem getting worse with each generation!

You are not the man your dad or grandad was

These methods will fix some of that!

Sleep Well

For healthy T production, you want to aim for 7 - 8 hrs per night

Under 7 hours you begin to inhibit production

If you are getting under 5. Studies show testosterone can drop by about 10 – 15%

See what I use to sleep quickly & fitfully ⬇️

Get To A Lean Body Fat %

Losing excess body fat is your number 1 priority.

You should aim to be 10 - 15%

Above this, you will have high aromatase levels

This is where testosterone is converted to estrogen!

Learn more about why#fatloss is crucial ⬇️

Make Sure You Get Dietary Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the building block of testosterone & all sex hormones

If you have a diet low in dietary cholesterol

You are compromising testosterone production

In fact you are compromising your health as whole!

It's that simple!
Drop Sugar & Seed Oils

Sugar & seed oils are both highly inflammatory

They directly inhibit testosterone production & increase your risk of insulin resistance

Which is one of the major causes of low testosterone

The main sources of both are ultraprocessed food so drop them!
Get Plenty Of Sun/ Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can cause testosterone levels to drop by up to 20%!

The main source is sunlight

If you aren't getting enough sun daily, you should supplement

Learn more about D3 & T & getting enough in yoru diet ⬇️

Join The High T Nation

If you like these tips.

You need to join my weekly newsletter & become a high T national

You will benefit from my years of experience optimizing my own testosterone levels & helping others to do the same

You can join free ⬇️

Lift Weights

A necessity for optimal testosterone production!

Ideally you will focus on lifting heavy & compund lifts like

Bench press
Overhead press

If you can't do the above

Other forms of resistance training are effective especially focusing on the legs!
Yoga/ Use The Cobra Pose

Not keen on the idea of doing yoga?

Well the “cobra” is a pose you will want to do daily

By holding this for up to 200 seconds, you can see your testosterone levels increase by up to 33%!

So get your "broga" on you will greatly lower cortisol as too!
Supplement Boron

Studies show 6 - 10 mg of boron daily brings

Higher free testosterone
Higher vitamin D
Lower insulin resistance

To get this amount you need to supplement

Ideal for increasing testosterone production

Learn more about boron & T ⬇️

Plenty Of Zinc In Your Diet

Zinc deficiency is a major cause of low testosterone

Greatly inhibiting T levels due to

Higher aromatization
Higher progesterone metabolism
Lower luteinizing hormone
Lower 5a-reductase inhibitor levels

You focus on diet first then you supplement!
11 Supplement Magnesium

About 60% of adults don't get enough magnesium in their diet

It's responsible for hundreds of functuions in the body, including activating vitamin D

Deficiency is a major cause of low T

I suggest you supplement before bed as it can aid you sleep aswell
12 You Need To Follow The Best Accounts On Optimizing Testosterone

If you want to optimize testosterone you should obviously be following yours truly

There a few others I suggest you follow as well:

Bonus: Military Muscle

A lot of people ask me about supplements

You should only consider once you have mastered these other methods

Even most you find are just "snake oil"

@MuscleMilitary is what I use & one of the few I recommend

You can see why ⬇️

If you have found this useful drop me a like & retweet

Any questions drop a reply & I will get back to you!

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