Listing out various VARIANTS of #920 #straddles .
1. Plain vanilla Variant
Enter straddle at 9.20 with sl on each leg and square-off at 3.15


2. Time Variant
Enter at different time instead of 920 like 930, 945 , 100 letting market to settle down

3. Tripple Stradlle Variant
Enter atm , atm+strike, atm-strike at 920
4. Rolling Variant
Enter at 920, roll the strike as the market moves
5. Pyramid Variant
Add more quantity once the trade is in your favour

6. MoneyBack Variant
Book partial quantity and continue with remaining quantity till eod

7. Agile Variant
Start with straddle(non directional) convert to strangle (semi directional ) and convert to naked call/put selling ( fully directional) in the direction of market
8. Trailing Variant
Set SL based on total premium Recieved and trail the overall sl as the trade moves in your favour

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