Authors Finkarma
1/ Lies that you've been told about trading.
Which are the biggest lies told by well meaning people in trading?
— Anandable Conservative Trader (@AnandableAnand) December 29, 2021
I will list the ones I heard and believed initially, which was detrimental to my progress
Lets do this and you add one LIE u heard many times
1. Its impossible to make money in intra-day trading
2/ Pitfalls that every discretionary trader faces, and how to overcome them.
From: @KillerTrader_
What are the pitfalls I faced as a discretionary trader and how I overcame them:
— Killer Trader \U0001f4c9\U0001f4c8 (@KillerTrader_) October 10, 2021
A thread \U0001f9f5#StockMarketindia
3/ The only trading psychology post you need to read.
From: @indian_quant
The only trading psychology post you need to read:
— Indian Quant \U0001f1ee\U0001f1f3 (@indian_quant) October 28, 2021
This guy gets appreciation and possibly makes money only after he reaches from one point to another.
But if his entire focus is on :
1. Not falling down the rope.
2. Keeps on thinking to reach the other end
4/ A thread on Trading mistakes.
It's inevitable that you will make a lot of mistakes in your trading career, what's truly important is if you learn from those mistakes or keep repeating them.
Trading Mistakes & Lessons Learnt \U0001f9f5
— Sourabh Sisodiya, CFA (@sourabhsiso19) September 30, 2021
1) I always keep my mistakes & lessons learnt in front of my screen while trading.
Bcz we as traders tend to commit the same mistakes everytime.
So seeing your learnt lessons everyday ensures that you avoid them.
#trading #mistakes