Authors Subhadip Nandy

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The most important question now on the mind of all analysts and traders. Is this a bear market rally or is this the start of a bull move. Retweeting this as I will need a few tweets to explain my view

Everyone knows the HH-HL or LH-LL as per Dow theory. This can be a bit confusing on how one marks the Highs and Lows. Long back, I picked up this trick from one of the neo-Dow theorists on what to do in scenarios like this

Simply plot a 5 period exponential moving average on a different panel. A 5-EMA simply shows you a running weekly perspective and kind of smoothens the price where a single spike high/low is not of that much importance

You will see this 5-ema also making HH.HL.LH.LL. So now, rather than focusing on the highs/lows on the charts, focusing on highs/lows on the 5-ema gives a cleaner perspective

As per this charts, unless the 5-ema now closes above 17540 ( the ema, not Nifty price) I will not play this as a bull market. I will deal with this market as a counter move against the major bear trend
This question might have rose in your mind too, that why VIX was lower than yesterday despite the huge selloff today.
This is what I think happens . A thread.

What is VIX ?

What is IV ( implied volatility ) ?

Now my explanations. IV is simply demand and supply. IV is back calculated from option prices and not given by the BSM model. When demand for options ( by buyers) are high, IVs will be high. When supply of options ( by sellers) are high, IV will be low.

Now look at this chart. Nifty fut and VIX are plotted together ( red line is the VIX). Yesterday's massive breakdown forced traders to hedge their positions by buying puts ( could be cash holdings, could be future longs, could be sold puts). This excess demand spiked up IVs /VIX
This is actually an interesting question and a correct observation. Many people before you also have made this observation, so I am going to explain this the best I can

I am trading since badla days. There being long meant you had to pay badla / interest and being short meant you received badla. Similar to an options buyer having theta burn and an options seller being theta positive. So the bias among pros were being short bit

Now, as of now I am an options buyer. All my strategies are geared towards options buying, so I have a theta burn continuosly. I do use strategies to cover that a bit, but still the burn is there

Now, let's consider how an options buyer makes money. His enemy is theta, vega can be friend or enemy ( coming to this in next tweet) , Delta is whether his view is right or wrong

Now say I am bullish on BNF and I buy calls and I am directionally correct . As BNF goes up, generally IV will decrease. This leads to a double whammy.
1. Vega hurts me
2. Theta decay increases.
So, the position does give money, but slowly