Authors Debbee Hutchinson
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@nikkino63786417 1. Orwell wasn't a science fiction writer. ORWELL WORKED FOR THE BIG BOY propagandists. He worked for the BBC during World War II. He said in his own biography, “I had
to lie to the public to make them believe that the cheaper cuts of meat ....
2. that was available during the war, all the ration stuff -all the stuff they'd normally throw away was actually better for them than the stuff that they had before.” That was the Department of Propaganda & that's where Orwell realised that by the erminology they were trained...
3. to be use to could convince the public of anything & thars the same technique used today. But, at least Orwell got out of it. He didn't agree with it. We know it's a totalitarian world police state that we're going into the one that George Orwell warned us about & that will... if we don't resist because have trained people from birth into the sort of Aldous Huxley type "Brave New World." That's to come out after the Orwellian phase we're going through right now.
5. Interestingly, George Orwell in his "1984" called the particular country of residence for Winston "Ingsoc," which was a play on England socialism or English socialism. Major revolutions (physical revolutions)need masses of following & there always has to be a good reason....
to lie to the public to make them believe that the cheaper cuts of meat ....
2. that was available during the war, all the ration stuff -all the stuff they'd normally throw away was actually better for them than the stuff that they had before.” That was the Department of Propaganda & that's where Orwell realised that by the erminology they were trained...
3. to be use to could convince the public of anything & thars the same technique used today. But, at least Orwell got out of it. He didn't agree with it. We know it's a totalitarian world police state that we're going into the one that George Orwell warned us about & that will... if we don't resist because have trained people from birth into the sort of Aldous Huxley type "Brave New World." That's to come out after the Orwellian phase we're going through right now.
5. Interestingly, George Orwell in his "1984" called the particular country of residence for Winston "Ingsoc," which was a play on England socialism or English socialism. Major revolutions (physical revolutions)need masses of following & there always has to be a good reason....