Authors 🦎 Alex 🦎

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In this thread I'll be going into specifics on my argument of how women born with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome are intersex females and not intersex males. I'll be using the five factors of sex determination which I went into in this

To start with the the way the five factors work is that together they add up to one of the two results, I think this is a safe estimate given the casing of Hayley Haynes.. which can be backed up by a few other findings where uterine tissue was discovered:

There was an official statement made that determined the current ongoing issues with uterus transplants being an issue in AIS women having nothing to do with their Y chromosome which currently people use chromosomes to argue genotype, or

Let's start then, with the first and most simple of factors. Karyotype.

In those born with CAIS they are born with a 46 XY karyotype with a SRY gene on the Y chromosome. However there is a mutation in the primary X chromosome that leads to not being able to process androgens.

This in turn leads to testicular feminization caused by a mutation in the X chromosome that leads to the body resisting, or not being effected by androgens produced in the body. We'll go more into that later.

Karyotype: Male Typical 46 XY[SRY]