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All my random ass behavior threads in one place🥲

On power and power

Why we're weird about

Empathy and petty dick gifts

Hypocrisy and
It “took a village” to “raise”/create Andrew Wakefield - it is common for everyone to back away once accountability happens but Andrew Wakefield did not do this all by himself.

What about medical culture and who is not policed on professionalism that allowed him to get so far?

When I look at Wakefield, I see the same kind of lack of ethics evident in #Medbikini study

but Wakefield was far further down the spectrum

because he was doing invasive GI procedures on children for his study, funded by a lawyer

First: consent matters
Informed consent matters

What incentives exist in healthcare & academia that shaped his mindset & behaviors?

What was Wakefield rewarded for throughout his career?
Where did he NOT get questioned?

Look as this patent he had filed to compete vs MMR
His 🤑incentive


Please note in his patent application Wakefield used those 12 samples that he cited in his @TheLancet study. He was not the only author. There were reviewers. There were editors. He was not alone in a cave. He was bullying his staff too

This was NOT “one man”
And lots of silence

“Joking” about kids crying & vomiting? Sounds like a massive jerk.

Erased/changed data

I have a hard time believing no one found him problematic before

Were people afraid to report?

When held accountable, he catastrophized, claiming he was being “persecuted”

Sound familiar?
Tonight's debate made it clear the GOP think they can just go back to bullshit as usual.

They're dodging the metal detectors that were just installed.

I don't think they get it yet. They tried to get their colleagues killed, and their colleagues are in the majority now.

I mean, it's hardly surprising. Republicans have pushed every line of decency and faced no consequences so far. Why should this be any different?

I don't think they watched the DOJ briefing today. I don't think they appreciate how many fundraisers are seeking to detach.

Sheldon Adelson died today, which feels a bit too on the nose. He was a major GOP donor. He was what the right alleges George Soros to be, and now he's gone.

The remaining Koch brother doesn't want to be tied to this insurrection bullshit, either.

Obviously their base will vote for them no matter what, because they're completely broken and unsalvageable.

But people are really fucking angry and I don't think Republicans have grasped that this won't just blow over.

The Money is following through with the consequences.

A successful coup in the United States would be a worldwide financial disaster and not only did the GOP go right to the brink, they're insinuating they had no problem with it.

The Money is
I’m amazed at how many high-performers have serious or chronic health issues like TMJ, severe muscle pain, carpal tunnel.

I’ve dealt with my share of health issues; imho it all comes down to stress.

A story about stress and what I’ve learned from managing it...

**Read On**

I woke up with a pain in my side that wouldn’t go away. Hours later, the doctors were performing an appendectomy.

I was out for 2 weeks and it hurt like hell.

I don’t think it was a coincidence that I was fired 4 months

After Udemy, I got healthy and built a fitness routine.

My physical health was better than ever, and people noticed. I was the perfect brand ambassador for a healthy food company.

Problem solved, right?

The good times didn't last. Running Sprig was freaking hard (all startups are) and soon I developed TMJ - severe jaw pain related to grinding one’s teeth.

It would get so bad that at times I couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning.

The problem wasn’t the TMJ or appendicitis. The problem was stress.

I had improved my physical health but didn’t consider my mental health! The two feed off one another. A healthy lifestyle means having both.
There is going to be a mental health crisis unlike anything we've seen before. PTSD will be widespread, and look who we've got running the country.

When soldiers return from active duty, the TRIM (Trauma Risk Management) system helps deal with issues arising from acclimating back into civilian life. It's designed to provide support in the aftermath of traumatic events. Which is what we have here, on a huge scale.

It won't just be frontline healthcare workers either. I fear a massive trauma response from the wider population, as and when Covid is brought under control and we begin to return to whatever 'normal' looks like at that point.

The armed forces could provide insight into how hospital trusts, schools and businesses could apply this for their staff / students at scale, but it would need government support and...no.
This is the same govt which has decimated mental health care over the past 10 years.

We already had a mental health crisis before Covid.
In 2017 the number of young people arriving in A&E with psychiatric problems had doubled since 2009 but mental health services were cut by £538million.