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Twitter is a free university.

But 98.8% forget 20% of what they read.

Here are 10 threads you must re-read:

Topic: Reversals in Option Selling via

@niki_poojary Topic: 2 Setups for Trending Days & 2 Setups for Reversal

@niki_poojary @Pathik_Trader Topic: Mistakes not to be repeated by a Pro Option

@niki_poojary @Pathik_Trader @SarangSood Topic: How Mitesh Sir does Positional Option
Twitter is free university.

But 98.8% forget 20% of what they read.

Here are 10 threads you must re-read:

Topic: Mitesh Sir's Expiry Trading

Topic: Where to start learning about

Topic: How to filter stocks for Intraday

Topic: How to trade in rising