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Instead of caning our kids can we start to understand the science of the #PairofACEs and begin to develop #traumainformed practices for our schools, our teachers and our children.

#traumainformedKE @GSNAfrica

2/ What does it mean to develop trauma-informed schools?

Being trauma-informed in schools means being informed about and sensitive to trauma, and providing a safe, stable, and understanding environment for students and staff.


3/ As we have listened to Kenyans stories of childhood and schooling we have heard how the #PairofACEs is a national crisis especially in our schools.

#Traumainformed schools have become essential to successfully addressing the broadening spectrum of #ACEs globally. @GSNAfrica

4/ What could #traumainformed schools look like in Kenya?

First what if all our teachers started to see young people, not as 'bad' and 'indisciplined' kids - but start to ask "What has happened to this child?" or "What kind of life has this child had?"


5/ Not all kids have come from a traumatic home/environment. But what if we supported all kids w social-emotional learning skills?

Promoting the #traumainformed school approaches in Kenya has the greatest potential to #positively impact all students, regardless of their traumas.