Xi Jinping's speech at Davos boiled down to: The world has no choice but to do business with China, and if you want to do business with China, you need to stop criticizing our tyranny and questioning our lies about the

Xi's address to the World Economic Forum will serve as well as any other moment for historians to mark the beginning of the Authoritarian Era. He said nothing new, but he restated the narratives and demands of Chinese fascism from a post-pandemic position of aggressive strength.
For the first time, Xi spoke to a world that is beginning to accept the tenets of authoritarianism, thanks to the incredible political and economic damage from China's coronavirus. China's ideals have become as viral as Covid-19.
Thanks to the pandemic, the political elites of the world now universally see their citizens as dangerous mobs that must be tightly controlled for their own good. Most of them always thought that way, but now they can say it openly and act aggressively on their prejudices.
Xi clearly stated that China will not be contained, censured, or judged for its actions. He denounced Western ideals of human rights as "arrogance" and imperialism. After Covid and Biden's inauguration, he sees no nation with the strength or will to thwart China's ambitions.
But the more sinister undercurrent of Xi's speech was that Western nations are foolish to cling to their antiquated notions of human rights, including capitalism and political freedom. Chinese fascism is the logical alternative. The pandemic "proved" it.
Xi was asserting - not unreasonably - that fascism is the key to aggressively promoting national interests while thriving in the age of so-called "globalism." Only a fascist government can get away with spouting globalist cant while acting as ruthless nationalists.
In one passage of his speech, Xi - the absolute dictator-for-life of the world's most dangerous and aggressive power - denounced "bullying"... and then he filled the airspace around Taiwan with nuclear-capable bombers. It's breathtakingly shameless.
The point Xi made is that he, a fascist dictator, can burble garbage about climate change to globalist elites at their "world economic forum" while littering the Third World with dirty coal plants. He can threaten to attack his neighbors while cooing about "multilateralism."
But "free" nations can't do those things. Their governments get torn to shreds by domestic political opponents, activists, and politicized media both at home and abroad if they try - in other words, the obstacles authoritarian leaders don't have to worry about.
Xi's Davos address was a victory lap for authoritarianism as the heavyweight champion ideology of the globalist era, and he was speaking to an appreciative audience. After Covid, authoritarianism is THE hot product on the social, political, and economic marketplaces.
And now that he speaks from a position of unchallenged strength, Xi wants to force the world to compromise its principles by accepting Chinese oppression. There may be a few theatrical grumbles, but no more tariffs or sanctions. No more disagreements in PRINCIPLE.
What remaining nation or leader has both the strength and confidence to argue with the principles of Chinese fascism? If you're banning free speech, nationalizing your economy, and criminalizing political dissent, you're already walking Xi's path. He's just further ahead. /end

More from John Hayward

Excellent analysis! One of our biggest problems is that people think "democracy," all by itself, is a sufficient check on power. I frankly don't understand how anyone can still believe that, but of course they probably won't be taught otherwise in school.

The disturbing flip side of thinking democracy is a magic talisman against tyranny is the belief that democracy sanctifies power - the essence of majoritarianism. "They can't be dictators if we can vote them out of office!" is one of the most dangerous ideas in the world.

The restraints placed on power are MORE important than the process of choosing who gets to wield it. You would be more free under a tightly restrained hereditary monarch than in a "democracy" with totalitarian centralized power.

The human race learned, fairly recently, that elected government is the approach most likely to maximize liberty and human rights, but where on Earth did we get the notion that it's perfect and sufficient all by itself? The world is full of tyrannies that hold elections.

"Democracy" would be the worst of all worlds - tyranny by mob rule, with the oppressors claiming their every fancy was fully and completely sanctified because they won a vote, and why should we let a stubborn minority thwart The Will of the People?

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1. I am indeed disgusted with attempts to misrepresent and take out of context what I wrote on my blog yesterday.

2. Those who did that highlighted only one part of paragraph 12 which read: “Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.”

3. They stopped there and implied that I am promoting the massacre of the French.

4.If they had read d posting in its entirety & especially the subsequent sentence which read: “But by & large the Muslims hv not applied the “eye for an eye” law. Muslims don’t. The French shouldn’t. Instead the French should teach their people to respect other people’s feelings

5. Because of the spin and out of context presentation by those that picked up my posting, reports were made against me and I am accused of promoting violence etc… on Facebook and Twitter.
With historical Data and explanations, I will want to DISAGREE with what you said here ma'am Or at Least Reframe what you said because what you said can be used to refer to a lot of scenarios.

Who are the "Citizens of Nigeria" you claim are not ready because they are...

Not demanding good governance?.

If by this you mean the Vast majority of Nigerians that are in the lower class should demand for good governance, then I hope you know this can never be effective.


It is virtually impossible for the lower class citizens to gather and...

Demand for good governance. What do they know that they want to demand? The few among them that are "enlightened" will have their voices drown out by the many that are not. I hope you know that there will always be the ignorant, evil men (hired assassin, political thugs) and also

Good men, the proportion of good men to the ignorants and evil men in this social class is low. Therefore l, gathering to something meaningful will be low.

How will they even gather? Through elections? I also hope you know that the wicked political leaders will not just fold...

Their arms and not defend their rulership from being overthrown. They will surely sow misinformation, spread lies aimed at misleading the masses. This particular social class, that are also numerous will be easy to swallow such lies and cajoled. Buhari was sold to us as a...
A few thoughts on this sad development 👇👇

20 academics criticizing an paper is fine; good science, really

10000+ hate mail for studying schools in Sweden is insane

Anonymous docs/ prof (hiding in faceless accts) on twitter smearing researchers is insane
[thread] https://t.co/QYldLD3WO0

In April 2020, @jflier and I saw this coming

We saw increasingly heated and personal attacks against scientists merely for having a range of views on COVID19 (PS there is no playbook/ right ans)

Tying science to naked politics was also bad idea, we

Yet, repeatedly that is what happened. Twitter 'experts' displayed an absolute intolerance to other views

Folks who disagreed weren't just wrong, they were malicious actors spreading "disinformation"

Really? Someone worked for 25 years as faculty to suddenly spread lies?

Disinformation has been so misused that it has lost meaning.

I recently saw an ID doc & lab researcher in the UK be accused of spreading "disinformation"

hahah, get outta here, you are trying to say "i disagree" but your keyboard is broken

Personal attacks have become so bad that I have seen a lab researcher accuse a doctor of wanting to engage in inappropriate relationships with patients due to diverging views on vaccine messaging

Seriously? It was a low point even for twitter

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1/“What would need to be true for you to….X”

Why is this the most powerful question you can ask when attempting to reach an agreement with another human being or organization?

A thread, co-written by @deanmbrody:

2/ First, “X” could be lots of things. Examples: What would need to be true for you to

- “Feel it's in our best interest for me to be CMO"
- “Feel that we’re in a good place as a company”
- “Feel that we’re on the same page”
- “Feel that we both got what we wanted from this deal

3/ Normally, we aren’t that direct. Example from startup/VC land:

Founders leave VC meetings thinking that every VC will invest, but they rarely do.

Worse over, the founders don’t know what they need to do in order to be fundable.

4/ So why should you ask the magic Q?

To get clarity.

You want to know where you stand, and what it takes to get what you want in a way that also gets them what they want.

It also holds them (mentally) accountable once the thing they need becomes true.

5/ Staying in the context of soliciting investors, the question is “what would need to be true for you to want to invest (or partner with us on this journey, etc)?”

Multiple responses to this question are likely to deliver a positive result.