I keep thinking about the parallels between terror groups like Al-Queda, the Taliban, etc and the recent domestic insurrection.

Both start with people who feel they have been wronged. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it doesn't matter if it's devastating or a slight.

Add to that, their religious leaders driving into them thru rhetoric that gives them someone to blame. Their religious leaders (Pastor, Minister, Imam, Cleric etc) focus on one or two things, and forsake all the rest of the teachings of their faith.
They then explain how their deity expects them to go and make it right in the name of [deity]. It's not remotely relevant if it's Jesus, God or Allah. They find the people they want torn down and have sent them off.
Add to that, their false idols like Donald Trump, Osama bin Laden, or whoever, who never stops telling them "the truth" (well, as they see it). They tell them to ignore the [mainstream media, infidels, etc] and isolate them from any kind of semblance influence that disagrees
It's a constant barrage of preaching, and false idols telling them that they are somehow chosen, and that what they do is "right".
Their whole world has been controlled to condition them, and radicalize them deeper into belief.
When something happens that's not in their plan, their disbelief is so strong, because pretty much everyone they know shares their beliefs, and the recursive reinforcement is so strong, you can't use reasonable dialog to resolve it. They are committed.
Don't believe the heathen! They are here to destroy you!

Don't believe the mainstream media! What do they know? They don't share your values!
And now we're left with domestic terrorists that are acting exactly how the foreign terrorists would have acted.

We've reverse-outsourced terrorism.
In America they build upon words like "Freedom", "Liberty" and "Rights" but what they really mean is "Tyranny is ok, because it's our brand of tyranny"
There is a video of a woman at a Steve Bannon-led pro-Trump rally:

"I am so upset that we've got so much trash that is supposedly representing us in Washington!"

"Never in my life did I think I'd like to see a dictator but if there's going to be one, I want it to be Trump!"
SEE: https://t.co/Vf3fucNDBP
There are legions of supporters applauding her.
They don't see what Donald Trump does, they hear his voice and his voice only.

They are brainwashed so deeply, I have no idea if there is even hope left anymore.
Certainly, there isn't going to be an easy recovery from this. You can't fight fanatics, they believe with all their heart that they are right.

How do you extract people from a cult?

How can we apply that on a massive scale?
Domestic Terrorism must be put down. The figureheads must be imprisoned. The leadership must be dismantled.

But we have to figure out how to un-brainwash their followers, for they will come back if it's not done correctly.
@threadreaderapp unroll please

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प्रथम भाव -
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