Thread on censorship

1) Twitter told us last night that the reason hundreds of thousands of people was removed

from the platform is because they have to confirm their phone number or email

Then those numbers would be represented in our follower count

More from Twitter

My 10 most popular tweets from 2020

Happy New Year everybody!


1/ Thread on how American Express

2/ Thread on how Coca-Cola makes

3/ Thread explaining popular software

4/ On consistency
Here are some of the best threads I've ever read on Twitter,

All related to

- Startups
- Entrepreneurship
- Indiehacker
- Wealth
- Health
- Life nd philosophy

I'll keep updating them regularly

Read below 👇

1. Getting reach without being luck, best tweet ever by

2. On meditation by

3. On college and eduction by

4. "Deep Year" concept by
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Dependency Confusion; Adam Curtis on criti-hype; Catalytic converter theft; Apple puts North Dakota on blast; and more!

Archived at:



This weekend, I'll be participating in Boskone 58, Boston's annual sf convention, where I'm doing panels and a reading.


Dependency Confusion: A completely wild supply-chain hack.


Adam Curtis on criti-hype: Big Tech as an epiphenomenon of sociopathic mediocrity, not supergenius.


Catalytic converter theft: Rhodium at $21,900/oz.


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