1) The danger and tragedy is that people have been told by Trump, McCarthy, Cruz and others in responsible positions that there is reason to doubt the validity of the election; then whipped up by social media promising Trump will eventually be declared the winner...

2) When, after all that, Biden is being inaugurated, many will go nuts: the cognitive discord is just too great and they will be convinced that Biden must be stopped. Yes, the fault lies with crazy conspiracy peddlers; but they were given support and legitimacy by the officials.
3) who enabled Trump and supported his lies about the election being stolen FOR MONTHS. What they should have done is spent the last two months defending the elections, telling people the only challenges should be in the courts, preparing people to ACCEPT that Trump fairly lost.
4) By keeping alive popular hopes that Trump could somehow win; by talking up empty court challenges, saying the courts didn't really hear the evidence; by refraining from criticizing Trump's broadcasting of even crazy conspiracy theories; GOP officials THEMSELVES gave reason and
5) motivation for people to riot against certifying Biden's becoming President, and even more to fight the inauguration of a "false" President. It will be very hard to undo months of lies to this effect coming from the top levels of the GOP and US Government. ALL GOP who did
6) act and speak in the last few weeks as if the court decisions didn't matter, as if the election didn't matter, as if Trump's dangerous lies about the election didn't matter, should be removed from office as enemies of democracy. But I would settle for this: Every member of
7) the House and Senate should be asked to sign and publish on their official sites a statement that says: "After review in courts of law and numerous recounts and examination by state election officials, I am persuaded that the election of Joe Biden as President, and the defeat
8) of Donald Trump in the Presidential election of 2020 was fair, legal, and in accord with the election laws and democratic principles of the United States and the Constitution that I have sworn to uphold." This is a very unusual measure, I am aware--but the situation we are
9) in, with 75% of GOP and 33% of independent voters believing that Biden did not get enough votes to be elected President, is both highly unusual and dangerous. Those responsible must make efforts to correct that; if not they should lose their seats for violating their oath.

More from Trump

I missed that DOJ has posted the individual certificates listing what offenses Trump pardoned for each person listed in his January 19 master clemency warrant, which had names but didn't spell out the covered crimes. https://t.co/oL44VoCVbr
Here's Steve Bannon's, for example.

Here's Elliot Broidy, a Trump fund-raiser who admitted to a role in a covert campaign to influence the administration on behalf of Chinese and Malaysian interests.


Here's Ken Kurson, a former Giuliani speechwriter and former editor of a newspaper Jared Kushner owned, who had been charged with cyberstalking

Here's Aviem Sella, an Israeli who had been a fugitive from 1987 esionage and subversive activities charges related to recruiting a spy against the United States, Jonathan Pollard. (He was never extradited and pardoning him was a favor toNetanyahu.)


Here's Dwayne Michael Carter a/k/a Lil Wayne, who had pleaded guilty to firearm offenses

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