I think we've had this exchange B4 yes? Ive said from t/start (despite all who vociferously insisted over& over hes a malignant narcissitic) TRUMP IS A CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATH (whos dementing but that's a diff thread) & have written extensive 1/

threads (see @threadreaderapp) explaining what criminal psychopathy is and why Trump is a criminal psychopath, AKA more formally as Anti-Social Personality Disorder w/Psychopathy (ASPDp).

1) Trump is NOT a Narcissist. He does NOT have NPD and IS NOT a nalignant narcissist 2/
(which BTW isn't even a valid DX, is not in any iteration of the DSM and more importantly IS NOT backed by research)

Lastly (but very importantly) narcissists ARE NOT DRIVEN BY SADISM

2) Trump is NOT a sociopath (someone who due to poverty & social oppression with few if
any other options, is driven to crime to survive; who does not particularly enjoy it but as the only way to survive, become a way of life...eventually you become numb as that's just a fact of life)

3) Trump IS/HAS Anti-Social Personality disorder w/PSYCHOPATHY
which is driven by sadism

i.e. Trump is a PSYCHOPATHIC criminal

Trump IS NOT a sociopath. He does not now nor did he ever need to commit crimes to survuve. TRUMP IS DRIVEN TO CRIME BECAUSE HE ENJOYS 5/

All psychopaths have narcissitic features, however the source of those features (what causes them) is not narcissitic wounding.

Instead, what drives the criminal psychopath and Trump is sadism

The difference 6/
in terms of profiles re: behavior, what one can expect and treatment between the three above disorders is profound

NPD is treatable

Sociopathy is treatable although it requires intensive support which includes gaining the education that allows one to leave poverty behind

Sucessful treatment methods re psychopaths are as yet unknown. Psychopaths driven by sadism are known to be WIRED DIFFERENTLY (plethora of imaging studies on this) and do not respond well to any known treatment (altho it's been noted that a small number 8/
of criminal psychopathic patients have seen a partial degree of success via heavy monitoring using behavioral management, however this is not the norm & should not be expected)

I hope that was clear. Its the thick down & dirty readers 9/
digest condensed version of a whole lot of thick material over a very few tweets.
@threadreaderapp unroll

More from kateneuropsych Dr. Kate Shaw MA/MS/PsyD Auntie Fa

Personally, I don't use but I gotta ask b/as long time SA Counselor & Clinical Neuropsychologist,
What ARE these people so on re weed about? Theres NOTHING abt weed comes anywhere close to t/individual, 1/

relational, marital familial, societal and physical and mental health damage done by alcohol (ism) daily. PERIOD FULL STOP

& Research that was so long denied has found a plethora of bennies.

That's not to say no abuse occurs or is possible, (however, [stick with me here] 2/

I see a variety of WS groups currently abusing [t/great American symbol of home family & motherhood] MILK these days...
Hey, if it's a substance/any substance or something transduced or processes by your chemical brain [neurochemistry baby] use misuse, abuse addiction & 3/

deadly addiction is a thing, A BIG THING including "thought addiction," [we MH profs call this obsession] which seems a likely group DX for folks on the right who are virtually obsessed with weed as if it were Hitler, meanwhile they're tryna convince themselves he had a 4/

rational national plan on repeat. But I digress).
Bottom line: Cannabis Use/Abuse Disorder is far less (note t/word LESS) common, far less damaging both in t/short- & long-term & pop #s for Cannibis Use/Abuse are no where near those of alcoholics & the resulting death maiming 5/
@KathyGrants @slomoshun1966 @kk131066 @foe_us @nature_org @jane__eden @impakterdotcom @sillymickel @vegix @how_sustainable @JamesrossrJames @climatemessages @sustainableuni1 @LolaGayleC @ResisterForever @mmpadellan @AdamParkhomenko @glennkirschner2 @morethanmySLE All the clinical Neuropsychological and forensic testing manuals that match the clinical measures we use...
Then made cheat sheets. (ok geek comment alert) the reason to do this is because if you don't understand the base rates and how they were derived, the populations 1/

@slomoshun1966 @kk131066 @foe_us @nature_org @jane__eden @impakterdotcom @sillymickel @vegix @how_sustainable @JamesrossrJames @climatemessages @sustainableuni1 @LolaGayleC @ResisterForever @mmpadellan @AdamParkhomenko @glennkirschner2 @morethanmySLE sampled to gain those "norms" and the year in which this was done, your interpretation of testing data will be significantly "off". If you can't assess the accurate diagnosis (meaning you misdiagnose) you end up causing pain and suffering not to mention treatment especially 2/

@slomoshun1966 @kk131066 @foe_us @nature_org @jane__eden @impakterdotcom @sillymickel @vegix @how_sustainable @JamesrossrJames @climatemessages @sustainableuni1 @LolaGayleC @ResisterForever @mmpadellan @AdamParkhomenko @glennkirschner2 @morethanmySLE if it involves psychopharm (meds)doesn't treat what actually ails the patient. When this happens, at best no one's treated for the actual illness they have which causes undue pain & suffering, at worst symptoms are exacerbated and or meds cause adverse reactions that can 3/

@slomoshun1966 @kk131066 @foe_us @nature_org @jane__eden @impakterdotcom @sillymickel @vegix @how_sustainable @JamesrossrJames @climatemessages @sustainableuni1 @LolaGayleC @ResisterForever @mmpadellan @AdamParkhomenko @glennkirschner2 @morethanmySLE have lasting effects (more pain and suffering) not to mention totally messing with the outcomes of legal cases
In short an inaccurate Diagnosis totally messed with people's lives.
. ..... So, if I use a measure you can bet Ive read the manual and understand the cautions, and 4/

@slomoshun1966 @kk131066 @foe_us @nature_org @jane__eden @impakterdotcom @sillymickel @vegix @how_sustainable @JamesrossrJames @climatemessages @sustainableuni1 @LolaGayleC @ResisterForever @mmpadellan @AdamParkhomenko @glennkirschner2 @morethanmySLE when to augment via clinical judgement. That often puts me at odds with folks in terms of opinions but I can back it all up via research and what's written in the manuals which often have caveats re use and application that people miss. More, as I went along it became obvious 5/

More from Trump

Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Stop saying "it's not censorship if it's not the government"; Trump's swamp gators find corporate refuge; and more!

Archived at:



Monday night, I'll be helping William Gibson launch the paperback edition of his novel AGENCY at a Strand Bookstore videoconference. Come say hi!


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