The $GRT token has garnered a lot of attention over the past day, but what is the future for @graphprotocol? Hint... it is big!! Let’s explore… 1/11

#Ethereum and other L1s offer smart contracts, @chainlink and other oracles bring them off-chain data, and now the Graph is decentralizing data storage and retrieval. The Graph is a critical part of the unstoppable web3 tech stack. 2/11
Decentralized storage is critical to web3 because centralized data providers are capable of shutting down/ censoring dapps. We are moving away from a centralized world & the Graph is key in the web3 tech stack 3/11
At the moment, #DeFi is the sector that has the best PMF to date but NFTs, DAOs, social networks, supply chains and other use cases are popping up and starting to take off as well. The Graph is important for all of these use cases. It covers everything 4/11
The Graph is currently used by most Ethereum protocols to create unstoppable dapps. The Curator program galvanized devs to build new subgraphs. But the dev community was using the Graph before they incentivized it. Why? PMF! 5/11
I participated in the Curator program and have made decent progress on a subgraph for @chainlink. It is a big task and I am working on feedback from their team so it’s a work in progress; I will share when it’s finalized 6/11
I am excited to build and maintain @synthetix_io dapps on a decentralized data storage network and am looking forward to staking my $GRT tokens against popular subgraphs to earn additional income. Income I suspect will have value due to extreme utility 7/11
The Graph will index data related to transfers of value. Whereas Google indexes general data. If you have a transaction that sends $10 worth of digital assets (via #Ethereum, CBDCs, other L1s, etc) to someone on the Internet this will be indexed by the Graph. 8/11
If you write a blog post online it will be indexed by Google, although perhaps you will create a hash of your article and store it on Ethereum as proof of authorship for IP rights, which would be a value transaction indexed by the Graph 9/11
The Graph will be one of the most useful projects on the Internet. They have no competitors I’ve seen and can support any EVM chain. Since Ethereum is the global settlement layer and most blockchains connect to it and support EVM 10/11
the Graph is compatible with nearly all L1 chains in some capacity already. I expect the majority of value transfers that happen online will be indexed by @graphprotocol; the project has a bright future and I am looking forward to seeing it unfold. 11/11

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