You can spend years looking for the best trading indicator.

Or you can just read this:

I've spent the last 7 years meeting the best traders in the world... and I realized they ALL use the same indicator.

The absolute best trading indicator in the world is your gut.
Like every indicator—before it can give reliable signals—it needs to be studied.

Your intuition only becomes finely tuned after a lot of trials and errors.

Let me explain...
First, we need to understand what intuition is. (that gut feeling)

As traders, intuition is how we make decisions without conscious thought.
Intuition grows (slowly) every time you see the same pattern unfold.

In other words, the more you trade, the more accurate your intuition gets.

Intuition is no different from muscle memory.
After practicing for a long time, 'muscle memory' kicks in...

...and you don't have to think or overthink how to do something.

Your intuition is familiar with how this pattern (likely) plays out.

Way more efficient. Right?
In trading, this is how you execute without hesitation.

It is effortless.

So, how do we tap in?
Intuition grows as your memory bank grows. (and it's piling up subconsciously)

The more observant you are, the higher quality your memories will be.

The higher the quality of the memory, the more informed your intuition will be.
Listening to your intuition doesn't mean you disregard logic and rules.

You always work within a framework...

It means that with proper focus, education, and TIME — your gut feelings will become incredibly accurate.
Average traders do a lot of really hard thinking.

The absolute best traders don't think so much... they just execute.
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3. Have an amazing Friday. 💙

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