Ok, so here we go. This is a thread and I'm not numbering them. I have been thinking about this for a while, and when @BeautyHeathen read me to filth, this is the first thing that came to my head...and when she said that maybe I already knew what it was, I think this is what

that means. I'm killing two channels, Rox Reacts and MetRox en Español. I am going to take all the content I already started working on for those channels and add them to Aviddiva and MetRox. I am testing other things to see what might work and what will not, not just for you
all but for me. It is no secret that I have been miserable with commentary for the last year. There are tons of other things I want to focus on and the reality is that although I have all the receipts for the videos I'm working on now, it has become increasingly difficult to
get through them. The amount of stupidity, micro-aggressions and nonsense I have seen recently is just mind boggling. I'm just tired of focusing on the stupidity and it is not adding to the anxiety I feel right now. There is other content that is more fun and more interesting
so I will focus on that. So all the reviews or "commentary" on books, magazines, movies, etc, will go on @AvidDiva , which I had planned to move more into artistic endeavors, projects and trying out new art forms as means of expression. As for Metamorphosis Rox, it is going
through, ironically, a metamorphosis. I will have 1 day a week 4 content in Spanish, and if that at some point takes off, I will reopen that channel. I will still do commentary but not the same commentary we are seeing right now. Yes, I will still call out injustice when I see
it, probably not on the channel. I hope that you all will find it in your heart to give the new content a chance and the eight or nine videos that are in production at the moment will be interspersed through new content. After the last video on the social media series, the old
content will go away and new content will be added. Feel free to suggest any content you might want to see and we will consider it. Otherwise, if all you want to see is people getting called out, check out livestreams and other social media. Just admitting this is happening
has brought a little light on what has been a very long, hard period. I've been holding that secret in for months and I don't know what possessed me to say it on a livestream to Beauty Heathen but I'm glad I did. Love you all.
PS. I just caught myself dancing while smoking a cigarette.
Started walking again, made a couple of big decisions, selling everything I own. I have to say, 2021 is beginning to make sense now.

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