I tried 26 Indian D2C (Direct-to-consumer) brands in 52 weeks!

{list below}

-> Because D2C brands are able to directly establish a relationship with the consumer, they are able to provide greater personalization & faster TAT for after-sales issues. I have personally interacted with many co-founders of these brands after purchase to provide feedback.
-> Lack of infrastructure shackles allows these brands to increase their CACs & rope in consumers with cashbacks, rewards, subscriptions, and other gifting bundles. Brands have also collaborated together in the form of cross-overs (Dope x Svami, The Whole Truth x KC Roasters).
-> I personally discovered half of these brands through @CRED_club. CRED claims that their 3 million members spend as much as 40% higher than average consumers. If this holds true, CRED Pay, launched in collaboration with @Razorpay, is a golden opportunity for D2C brands.
-> The craft coffee revolution has reached India. Newer flavours, blends, roast profiles, and the finer subtleties of coffee are finding takers. Here's a tweet from @miten highlighting some of these amazing brands on CRED.


{list below}
Beverages (AND MANY-A-COFFEE):

1. @theragecoffee (Coffee)
2. @KCROASTERS (Coffee)
3. https://t.co/fVvNlzcKtD (Coffee)
4. @drinkslaycoffee (Coffee)
5. @RoastersToffee (Coffee)
6. @SvamiDrinks (Craft Tonics)
7. @brewhouseicetea (Iced Tea)
8. @VahdamTeas (Tea)

9. @socksoho (Socks)
10. @thesouledstore (T-shirts)


11. @thegourmetjar (Dips & Spreads)
12. https://t.co/feTa0uDm4u (Hot Sauce)
13. @wholetruthfood (Protein Bars)
14. @epigamia (Yogurt)
Home, Gifting & Sleep:

15. @cafe_jei (Coffee Apparatus)
16. https://t.co/A3qR9MlVAu (Mattress)
17. https://t.co/1D9VYUwUZf (Pillows)
18. @SleepyCat_India (Pillows)
19. @smartivitylabs (STEM Toys)
Personal Care:

20. @BombayShavingCo (Beard Care)
21. @theustraa (Beard Care)
22. @ZeroRisque (Face Masks)
23. https://t.co/ymflng3sJG (Incense Sticks)
24. @SuppIndia (Multi-vitamins)
25. https://t.co/VBGrauIah3 (Protein Supplement)
26. https://t.co/qF3o4hN6pw (Sneaker Care)
P.S. There might be a high correlation between my requirement for sleep solutions and my experiments with artisanal coffee brands.🧐

P.P.S. I have a podcast where I have interacted with the founders of Indian D2C brands & other Indian startups.🚀


More from Society

The UN just voted to condemn Israel 9 times, and the rest of the world 0.

View the resolutions and voting results here:

The resolution titled "The occupied Syrian Golan," which condemns Israel for "repressive measures" against Syrian citizens in the Golan Heights, was adopted by a vote of 151 - 2 - 14.

Israel and the U.S. voted 'No'

The resolution titled "Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people..." was adopted by a vote of 153 - 6 - 9.

Australia, Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and the U.S. voted 'No' https://t.co/1Ntpi7Vqab

The resolution titled "Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan" was adopted by a vote of 153 – 5 – 10.

Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and the U.S. voted 'No'

The resolution titled "Applicability of the Geneva Convention... to the
Occupied Palestinian Territory..." was adopted by a vote of 154 - 5 - 8.

Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and the U.S. voted 'No'
Like most movements, I have learned that the definition of feminism has expanded to include simply treating women like human beings.

(A thread for whoever feels like reading)

I have observed feminists on Twitter advocating for rape victims to be heard, rapists to be held accountable, for people to address the misogyny that is deeply rooted in our culture, and for women to be treated with respect.

To me, very easy things to get behind.

And the amount of pushback they receive for those very basic requests is appalling. I see men trip over themselves to defend rape and rapists and misogyny every chance they get. Some accounts are completely dedicated to harassing women on this site. It’s unhealthy.

Furthermore, I have observed how dedicated these misogynists are by how they treat other men that do not immediately side with them. There is an entire lexicon they have created for men who do not openly treat women with disrespect.

Ex: simp, cuck, white knight, beta

All examples of terms they use to demean a man who respects women.

To paraphrase what a wise man on this app said:

Some men hate women so much, they hate men who don’t hate women

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Russia hasn't been a willing partner in this treaty for almost 3 decades. We should have ended the pretense long ago.

Naturally, Rand Paul is telling anyone who will listen to him that Trump is making a HUGE MISTAKE here.

Rand is just like his dad, Ron. 100% isolationist.

They've never grasped that 100% isolationist is not 'America First' when you examine it. It really means 'America Alone'.

The consistent grousing of pursuing military alliances with allies - like Trump is doing now with Saudi Arabia.

So of course Rand has also spent the last 2 days loudly calling for Trump to kill the arms deal with Saudi Arabia and end our alliance with them.

What Obama was engineering with his foreign policy was de facto isolationism: pull all the troops out of the ME, abandon the region to Iranian control as a client state of Russia.

Obama wasn't building an alliance with Iran; he was facilitating abandoning the ME to Iran.

Obama wouldn't even leave behind a token security force, so of course what happened was the rise of ISIS. He also pumped billions of dollars into the Iranian coffers, which the Mullah's used to fund destabilizing activity [wars/terrorism] & criminal enterprises all over the globe