Hi @TowerHamletsNow @Alvius_ai @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The Diversity section of your job application asks "Which gender do you identify as?" with options:



'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.


Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology and there is no 'other' way describe one's sex.


'Gender' is not a synonym for sex.

You then ask "Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?"

Equating 'gender' or 'gender identity' with sex is meaningless and relies on demeaning, regressive stereotypical notions of societal roles for the two sexes. Sex is immutable.

Asking about a personal characteristic such as 'gender' that is not a protected characteristic under the Act, may be in breach of the GDPR by processing personal - and potentially Special Category - data without a lawful basis.

If you choose not to gather data on specific protected characteristics (such as sex), you cannot have the information required to ascertain whether or not you could be discriminating on protected characteristics in recruitment. This could be vital in an employment tribunal.

If you choose to discriminate on characteristics (such as 'gender') that are not protected characteristics under the Act, you may inadvertently indirectly discriminate on protected grounds.

Given these errors and your use of incorrect terms, it's not clear how you can meet your Public Sector Equality Duty or how you have met it in the past given your data could have been corrupted by those who didn't provide their sex.

Nor is it clear how you can have had due regard to the other duties given the data you have collected.

Language and meaning of words are important and proper use & understanding of terms is vital so that the public is aware of what rights they have and what your duties are. Any confusion or inconsistency over meaning may prevent people from accessing their rights in law.

Will you undertake to correct these errors and to review all your other policies, documents, reports, etc to ensure compliance?

Please respond.



More from sexnotgender.info

Hi @Census2021 @ons @IanDiamond11 @_datasmith @PhilippaBonay @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The 'Diversity' section of your job application states you promote 'not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010'.



However, you then ask for the 'Gender' of the applicant with options:

Prefer to self describe.


'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.



Sex is the protected characteristic & the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' &'Male' as defined in the Act & consistent with biology, but you don't ask for that. 'Self-describe' is not a valid option


'Gender' is not a synonym for sex.


Asking about a personal characteristic such as 'gender' that is not a protected characteristic under the Act, may be in breach of the GDPR by processing personal - and potentially Special Category - data without a lawful basis.

Hi @officestudents @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The Equality and Diversity section of your job application has 'gender' in what appears to be a list of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.



However, 'gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.


Sex is the protected characteristic under the Act, but that is not on your list.


You then ask for the 'gender' of the applicant with options:



Again, 'gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.



Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology, but you don't ask for that.


'Gender' is not a synonym for sex.

Hi @NewportCouncil @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The Equal Opportunities Monitoring in your job application asks for the 'gender' of the applicant and says "Please select either male or female based on your legal gender"...


...with options:


'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.

The term 'legal gender' is not used in the Act or defined in the Act.



Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology, but you don't ask for that.


'Gender' is not a synonym for sex.


You then ask for the 'gender identity' of the applicant, saying "Gender identity is how you would describe your own gender; this could differ from your legal gender." with the same options of:



'Gender identity' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.

The term 'legal gender' is not used in the Act or defined in the
Hi @HomesEngland @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The Equal Opportunities section in your job application asks for the 'gender' of the applicant with options:

Non Binary.


'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.



Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology, but you don't ask for that.


'Gender' is not a synonym for sex.


'Gender' relies on demeaning, regressive stereotypical notions of societal roles for the two sexes.


'Non Binary' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, is not defined in the Act and is not part of the protected characteristic of sex.

Hi @bmj_latest @bmj_company @trishgreenhalgh @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The EEO section of your job application has 'gender' in what appears to be a list of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.


'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.



Sex is the protected characteristic under the Act, but that is not on your list.

'Gender' is not a synonym for sex.


You then ask for the 'gender' of the applicant with options:



'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.



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Like most movements, I have learned that the definition of feminism has expanded to include simply treating women like human beings.

(A thread for whoever feels like reading)

I have observed feminists on Twitter advocating for rape victims to be heard, rapists to be held accountable, for people to address the misogyny that is deeply rooted in our culture, and for women to be treated with respect.

To me, very easy things to get behind.

And the amount of pushback they receive for those very basic requests is appalling. I see men trip over themselves to defend rape and rapists and misogyny every chance they get. Some accounts are completely dedicated to harassing women on this site. It’s unhealthy.

Furthermore, I have observed how dedicated these misogynists are by how they treat other men that do not immediately side with them. There is an entire lexicon they have created for men who do not openly treat women with disrespect.

Ex: simp, cuck, white knight, beta

All examples of terms they use to demean a man who respects women.

To paraphrase what a wise man on this app said:

Some men hate women so much, they hate men who don’t hate women
Patriotism is an interesting concept in that it’s excepted to mean something positive to all of us and certainly seen as a morally marketable trait that can fit into any definition you want for it.+

Tolstoy, found it both stupid and immoral. It is stupid because every patriot holds his own country to be the best, which obviously negates all other countries.+

It is immoral because it enjoins us to promote our country’s interests at the expense of all other countries, employing any means, including war. It is thus at odds with the most basic rule of morality, which tells us not to do to others what we would not want them to do to us+

My sincere belief is that patriotism of a personal nature, which does not impede on personal and physical liberties of any other, is not only welcome but perhaps somewhat needed.

But isn’t adherence to a more humane code of life much better than nationalistic patriotism?+

Göring said, “people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”+

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