I’ll address every nonsense argument and lie used to defend the suicidal gender ideology Thats in vogue today:

3:45 - “So what if you don’t have gametes?”

It’s called a birth defect. You’re still male or female.

~5:00 *nonsense trying to say the sexes of seahorses could be swapped coz male carry the eggs*

male doesn’t produce eggs, he produces the sperm. He’s still the male. If I impregnated a chick then carried the amniotic sac in a backpack ‘til the baby was done I’ll still be male🤦‍♂️
5:10 - we could say there’s 4 sexes of fruit fly cause there’s 3 producers of different sized sperm

No. They’re still producing sperm. They’re males. This is idiotic. Is this whole video like this? (Probably. 99% likely. Abandon hope.)
~6:10 - hermaphroditism and sequential hermaphroditism exists therefore....

No. Some animals being hermaphrodites, which is meaningless w/o the existence of binary sex to contrast it to, still doesn’t make gender ideology or transgenderism valid.

Intersex ≠ transgenderism 🙄
6:20 - bilateral gynandromorphism is a disorder in some species (not in humans). Has nothing to do w/ “gender” or transgenderism.

Ova-testes in humans are also a disorder, usually found in those w/ the karyotype disorders that you ppl also try to appropriate (extra X’s/Y’s).
To drive the point home: These aren’t extra sexes, have nothing to do with the nonsense gender theory claims, and are not the causes for transgenderism (which are gender dysphoria or autogynephilia).

The rest of the vid, I guarantee, will go on trying to conflate these things.
6:30 to 10:39 - I’m gonna ignore this whole section because I already addressed it above.

Birth defects, which leave you infertile and often require the removal of cancer-prone defective gonads, are not a new sex and have nothing to do with gender theory or transgenderism.
10:30 - hormone wankery that doesn’t support anything about gender theory

Having a birth defect that causes your body to not react to testosterone so ur male genitals don’t develop & u look like a prepubescent girl for the rest of your life is not a new sex nor transgenderism.
~13:00 - he goes on for a while basically circling aground the fact that we’re built from the same materials and if something goes wrong you won’t develop correctly.

…Duh! Yet none of this has anything to do w/ mental disorders making you want to be a different sex or no sex.
16:10 - birds have completely different sex chromosomes than we do. Also some animals don’t have sex chromosomes at all. Also plants exist.

Yes, very informative Mr. Biology Man. Will you ever get to the part where biology justifies any of the claims made by gender ideology?
This is supposed to be 15:00-something. The time flipped to time left instead of current time for some reason.
15:10 - he claims these things he’s gone over aren’t birth defects but “variations”.

Birth defects are definitely variations, moron. If you “biological variation” literally makes it so that you cannot pass on your genes via reproduction, it’s a dysfunction. Sorry.
“It seems your child was born with a fluid sac where their brain should’ve been and they’re going to die in a few hours. Don’t worry though! It’s a variation, not a defect!”

*phew*! Thank G—wait!
15:50 - Unless you’ve had your entire body dissected and DNA sequenced we literally have no idea what you are!!!!!

Actually, if you’ve gone through puberty the same as 99.9% of the population and are fertile I think you can safely call yourself male or female.
16:00 - chromosome “variations” alone could make a convincingly male-passing female or female-passing man

Bullshit. Extra Y & extra X types, though very rare, have been seen enough for categorization, & they never look quite right.
Extra Y/X people are always over or underdeveloped in some way that stands out, on top of being infertile

Not in a “that boy is funny looking” kinda way, but in a “is that a boy or a girl? Literally no one can determine, even their genitals are off” kinda way.

More Bullshit!
Now comes the big switcharoo where, if he’s been successful at making you believe sex is just impossible to determine and you should leave it to “expert” bullshitters like himself, he’ll then tack on gender ideology claptrap that is completely disconnected from the first half.
Around 18mins or whatever - It’s just a deluge of moronic conflation.

“Hey, a female mechanic! That’s a gender! A male in a dress? A new gender!”

Worse is using animals with reproductive biology so far removed from us in every way to try to justify simple mental illness.
20:02 - to do proper “Da Science” you have to #ListenAndBelieve to the “gender feelings” of the 0.3% of the population that is so functional & have such reliable grasps on reality that they just fucking off themselves half of the time even when things go their way!

…Yea. No.
20:30 - bits about brain differences in normal people and the gender dysphoric

Hormones in the womb are a hell of a drug, but when gender confusion in children is cured at a rate of 80% when puberty is allowed to happen, it doesn’t support your theories.
In fact there’s been research finding that puberty blockers (obviously, no shit) irreversibly hinder bone development & lower IQ. Also increasing suicide

Aren’t the gender dysphoric suicidal enough already w/ the promotion of enabling the sickness instead of finding solutions?
24:00 - “a variety of chromosomal defects combined with brain regions differentials sized by hormones in the womb means there’s at least 16 different genders!!!”

Again. Nonsense. This is equivalent to arguing about the number of angels that could fit on the point of a pin.
24:55 - it’s SOOOO much easier to just say that gender exists on a spectrum!

Yes. Lying is easy. The truth is tough, can be ugly. But this why you gender ideologues will always fail. You will never convince many that your worldview is the truth when it’s obvious you HATE truth.
25:28 - but to say “you’re XY, you’re a boy, and boys must act like this!” is inaccurate & dangerous

...uhhh, actually, we’re not the ones throwing dresses & makeup on boys just because they’re sissies & don’t act typical. That’s YOU. It’s the basis of your entire argument!
26:00 - suicide and how it’s totally “cishet” society’s fault

...unless...It’s caused by the mix of mental and developmental disorders found in the gender dysphoric? Hm, yes? Maybe? Possibly?🤔 https://t.co/VryEL7gSFL
You can’t blame the extremely high rate of suicide in the transgendered on oppression or whatever when even slaves or Jews in concentration camps did not suicide at such a high rate, & when many trans suicides happen after they’ve fully, completely transitioned

It doesn’t work
“Hmmmmm...is it all from oppression we simply can’t see, it could it be all of the mental illness?🤔🤔🤔”

Mr. Scientist can’t figure this one out but he expects you to trust in the rest of the bullshit he’s spouting.

Get the fuck out!
As for gay & gender dysphoric kids being kicked out from home…how much of that is from their destructive behavior? Has any research been done on that? How much of it is from the prostitution? (Which I guarantee is at the heart of the housing discrimination complaints by transes)
26:40 - Ppl say high suicide rate is coz mental illness but it’s because they’re treated like perverts for trying to exist!

What if their way of existing *is* by being perverted? Do homosexuals have high rates of HIV due to non-acceptance, or is it the 100 yearly sex partners?🤔

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@Suman68082748 @thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 Lets stop the criticism guys. The lad is good. Losses happen. Losses to unranked players happen too. As do wins vs top 10ers. Let's accept both. Remember Sumit and the likes of him are the best we have. See the bigger picture please.

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 When the Europeans or South Americans were getting quality practice and tourneys week in week out at reasonable costs, our kids were playing on dung courts or learning outdated serve and volley on grass. Appreciate the fact that the last 10 years have been a hell lot better than

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 the 10 before that. Real change can't come in a day or even in 10 years. So let's grit our teeth and bide our time till we have an organic self sustaining system in place.

@siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 @siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno Tennis is my favourite sport in the universe. Has always been. Will always be. I was in love with Steffi and Pete a lot before I fell for Sachin. And while I would love every toddler in my family to play sports professionally, I won't encourage them to pursue my favourite sport.

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 @siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno It will be career suicide. In other sports, I can actually plan for my ward to be the next Lin Dan or the next Tiger Woods or the next Schumacher even from a base in India. With tennis, in 2020 I can't do that realistically. Just doesn't adds up. Even for total freaks of nature.

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