The #Missouri Department of Natural Resources has begun the rule-making process and are attempting to change the definition of groundwater so CAFOs can build more easily in Missouri. 

The public comment period for this rule change runs Feb 16th through March 25th.🧵

Please email the #Missouri Department of Natural Resources stating why you oppose removing "perched water tables" from the definition of "groundwater table".

If you submitted a comment in November please re-submit it now as previous comments will not be included for this round.
Email [email protected]
Reference that you are writing in response to a proposed rule change to 10 CSR 20-8.300 Design of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.
Talking points follow ⬇️
The rule change is being done to provide a direct benefit to a private applicant (United Hog Systems) that has a permit application pending before the Department.
There is no lawful reason to justify the distinction for the Department to exclude perched water...
...from its definition of groundwater table in regards to CAFOs, while also including perched water in the definition at all other wastewater treatment facilities.
All water bodies in Missouri need to be protected by the Missouri DNR.
It makes no sense to protect the water above and below and not protect the water in-between, e.g. "perched water". 

The MO DNR is in charge of limiting water pollution in MO. NOW, they are attempting to make their rules even more unaccountable than they already are... the behest of factory farm corporations and their lobbyists.

"Perched water" is the water that cracks foundations and basement walls over time as it either flows down to the groundwater table or out to a surface water source.
Corporate agriculture interests are trying to remove this "perched water" from DNR oversight and allow CAFO corporations to pollute our groundwater.

This is being done in response to the United Hog Systems CAFO application in Livingston County...
...where this issue is a matter of great concern. The hogs in this 10,000+ sow operation will be owned by JBS, a Brazilian corporation and the biggest meatpacker in the world.

Thank you for sending an email!
Following is a link to join the Clean Water Commission meeting...
March 18th at 9AM:

This call to action was issued by the Missouri Rural Crisis Center. Please support their good work at
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