While January 1 just ensures a change of calendar and considered a new English year for administrative purposes, Chaitra Shukla Pratipada and Mesh Sankranti of Sun are the days which actually tell us the future.

I will tell in brief. Please read in full.

RT after reading.


Samvat begins when Chaitra Krishna Amavasya ends (Sun and Moon are at the same degree in Pisces). This Tithi is Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (CSP). The Lord of the day at Sunrise when CSP is operating is considered Raja (king) of the Samvat. It is called वर्षपति in Sanskrit.

Varshpati or The King of Samvat should be very strongly placed in the chart prepared at the start of CSP for the year to be good and promise growth. A poorly placed king, even if a Shubh Graha, reduces growth and doesn't deliver its benefic results.

Importance of Varshpati.

Raja (Varahpati/King) of the Samvat also decides Vaahan (vehicle) of the Samvat. Different vehicles set the tone of results of the year.

First 4 Pratipadas of Samvat also decide 4 Pillars (Stambhas) of the Samvat: Jal (water), Truna (grass), Vaayu (wind) & Anna (food grains).

Knowing Samvat vaas (Residence) also helps in predicting rainfall for the Samvat. In medieval and ancient periods, these were heavily used but now the habit to use them for rain predictions has reduced, however, they still form the basis for such predictions.

Likewise, determination of Samvatsar Purusha is also crucial in modifying result for Samvat.

Starting point of Samvatsar also helps in ascertaining the four points of Aarsha Maana (used to predict peace, law and order). Hence, we saw why a new Samvatsar brings about changes.

The chart prepared at the starting of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada also dictates the tone of future for the Samvat. This chart is called CSP Lagna Kundali. Every Samvatsar is given a name which also gives us idea of intensity of events to come.

Similarly, Jagat Kundali is cast.

The moment when Sun enters Aries, or Mesha Rashi (event called Mesha Sankranti), Jagat Kundali or chart of the world is prepared. It generally happens on 14 April every year. Jagat Kundali or Jagat Lagna, as the name indicates, holds highest importance for mundane predictions.

Predictions of Jagat Kundali are fine tuned with due corroboration from CSP Lagna chart and its other factors mentioned above.

Hence, Chaitra Shukla Pratipada and Mesha Sankranti play a pivotal role in prediction of the year ahead, something which 1 January fails to do.

By now, you must have realized that while moments of CSP and Mesh Sankranti hold huge importance for our country and the world, such predictions cannot be made with the help of chart of January 1.

So, our new year day (CSP) carries with it a key to future.

More from Priyanka (Astrology Guidance)

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