1/ Thought it was strange to see an ostensibly hard Left "No Pasaran" publisher come out with a "Jewish Pride" text so decided to do a little digging into the company.

2/ Not much detail on their Twitter other than the usual stuff plus being "against Left antisemitism"
3/ Website equally vague
4/ Noted the address and put it through Companies House to see who is really behind "No Pasaran media."
5/ Found the result. Time to click on "People."
6/ And there you have it. This "far left" workers unite publishing firm is operated by a millionaire Jewish Lord, Jonathan Mendelsohn
7/ He co-opted the Labour party along with co-ethnic David Abrahams, ensuring ongoing loyalty in the party to Zionism
8/ Thoroughly dedicated to his own ethnic interests and Israel, while claiming to stand against White racism etc.
9/ And there you have it. Behind every anti-fascist front, every "No Pasaran" bullshit facade, is a highly influential member of the Jewish elite. A "workers" front run by a Jewish "Lord"!

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