Here's the overall view that I'm piecing together right now.

Venezuela is a linchpin.

You've got BLM, Bernie, and radical left adoration.
You've got Smartmatic and Dominion fingerprints everywhere.
Chavez and Maduro.
BLM involved in their elections.

You've got Global Citizen there, and here... and everywhere.
You've got Bill Gates involved with Smartmatic, ES&S, Dominion, etc.
You've got Microsoft's software Election Guard in every single machine.
Celebrities shilling for Smartmatic machines specifically & Global Citizen...
There's a common thread for all of this.

Plus, Maidengate started with a text from Supermajority that was co-founded by Black Lives Matter founder Alicia Garza.

They're all in on it.

Find a thread, start pulling.

This is a good one to dig your teeth into.

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