3) these values are contradictory to what the rights stand, especially the republican party under trump, from here on now refered to as "Trumpists" - a new, US brand of Fascism.

@SW6life 4) Here is the lists of traits that make out fascist regimes commonly agreed, written by Umberto Eco, who lived under Mussolini. He explicitly stated that each country is prone to their own type of Fascism, let me go through this point by point.
@SW6life The first two are actually the same; Irrationalism & Tradition over everything. You hold up a poster of what your country/ideal living once was and claim to bring it back.
Say; Make america great again. Ignoring hereby that Obama restored the economy which was hurt by Bush
@SW6life Cult of Action; Killing a General on an Ally soil without informing anyone? Sueing even though there is no evidence.. and yeah, proud stance on anti-intellectualism!
@SW6life Disagreement is treason; that is why every time the media fact checks something, its somehow misrepresenting him.
Which is why everbody who disagrees is a bad person inherently, without giving arguments *WHY*
@SW6life Fear of Outsiders;
Muslim ban, saying Shithole Countries, the Migrant Caravan, Build the Wall, Mexico "doesn't send their best" - even though Mexico doesn't send anyone.
Rallying people behind hatred of refugees, who also pay taxes and don't get anything from it (net worth +)
@SW6life Appeal to social frustration; Identitypolitics & Culture War
are you white, male, cis, hetero, christian & feel disinfanchised because others want rights you have? you're more likely to vote for Trump because of an irrational fear of retaliation. https://t.co/GWtxUNep6q
@SW6life Obsession with a plot; "the biggest" "the best" - watch his rethoric. He is constructing a story in which he is a hero, Q-Anon Style. What he actually does is building a narrative in which he is the "sole defender", further excluding people who just want their freedom.
@SW6life The Enemy is strong and weak; He is positioning himself as the victim and the savior at the same time. "the intellectual elite" "but we are the hyper-elite"
@SW6life Pascifism is aligining with the enemy;
@SW6life Contempt for the weak - forcibly sterilizing thousands of women because you believe they are genetically inferior.
@SW6life Everbody is equipped to be a hero; more invoking of traditional values and pictures. Calling you the resistance, that you fight back, etc. https://t.co/vHjDairNFk <- shit like this is propaganda.
@SW6life Machismo; Anti-LGBTQ, especially Anti-trans Legislation, dictating what a person can and can't do. His history of sexual misconduct with women, including grabbing by the pussy.

@SW6life Selective populism: Again, saying that the unofficial 4th instance of the country is "misrepresenting" him by quoting him wrong, while highlighting which formats push his most favorable narrative. Silencing individual reporters for asking questions.
@SW6life And Newspeak:
-Fake news / "Alternative" Facts just for examples.
There are no alternative facts, just facts and fiction.
The news can misrepresent things but HAVE to correct if they do so. If they hurt your feelings, its not their fault.
@SW6life @threadreaderapp unroll

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Whenever we chant a Mantra in Sanskrit, it starts with 'Om' and mostly ends with 'Swaha' or 'Namaha'. This specific alignment of words has a specific meaning to it which is explained in Dharma Shastra.

Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning sacred syllable or sacred word. But Mantras r not just words put together,they r also vibrations.The whole Universe is a cosmic energy in different states of vibration &this energy in different states of vibration forms the objects of Universe.

According to Scriptures,Om is considered to be ekaakshar Brahman,which means Om is the ruler of 3 properties of creator,preserver&destroyer which make the
https://t.co/lyhkWeCdtv is also seen as a symbol of Lord Ganesha, as when starting the prayer,it's him who is worshipped 1st.

'Om' is the sound of the Universe. It's the first original vibration of the nothingness through which manifested the whole Cosmos. It represents the birth, death and rebirth process. Chanting 'Om' brings us into harmonic resonance with the Universe. It is a scientific fact.

Therefore, Mantras are described as vibrational words that are recited, spoken or sung and are invoked towards attaining some very specific results. They make very specific sounds at a frequency that conveys a directive into our subconcious.