That new attack piece about Seth Abramson is full of easily debunked false claims. Whenever the mainstream media gets annoyed at an indie pundit like Seth, it just publishes a bunch of bullshit about him, and most people mistakenly believe it. They've done the same thing to me.

The sad part is that when the author of that piece tried to smear a bunch of mainstream media journalists for daring to compare notes with him, they all responded by lying and said they've never compared notes with him. Even though Abramson has proof that they have.
This is the EXACT same strategy that certain mainstream media outlets used against me in 2017-2018. First they lied about me. Then they attacked my mainstream media associates for associating with a "fake news" pundit like me. Then some in the media felt compelled to disown me.
Sadly, it didn't matter that I had overwhelming proof that everything said about me in those attack pieces was false. When you defend yourself, no matter how factually, the average observer merely decides you're being "defensive" and therefore guilty as charged.
Ask yourself why the mainstream media is choosing now to dishonestly attack Abramson. The media's ratings are way down now that Trump is gone. Abramson presumably still has his entire niche audience intact. So the media gets jealous and takes it out on him.
I rarely read Seth's threads because I'm too busy putting together my own analysis. I couldn't tell you if his threads are useful or not; that's for you to decide. But it's simply not okay that the mainstream media is publishing false claims about him for competitive reasons.
If you value Seth's threads, that article should not dissuade you from continuing to value his threads.

Even if you think Seth is total crap, that article about him is a thoroughly dishonest smear piece, and you should be offended at what the media is trying to do to him.
When you sit back and allow the mainstream media to use lies to try to destroy an indie pundit, just because it's someone you don't care about, you're telling the media it's okay to keep doing this. And the next indie pundit they dishonestly destroy might be one you truly value.
The way this works is that because I'm daring to call out this attack piece on Abramson as being bullshit, that same media outlet will probably write a dishonest attack piece about me next. So be it. We cannot be silent when the media pulls this crap.
Also, don't confuse thoroughness with honesty. "We talked to a dozen sources..." That usually just means they tracked down a dozen people who hate the target of the attack piece so much, they were all willing to lie about the person.
Some of the people the media quoted as "expert sources" about me:

- a woman who ranted on her knitting blog that I wasn't a real journalist

- a guy who later got a knock on the door from the Feds

- a "fact checker" who got fired

That's thorough, alright. Thorough dishonesty.
The most dishonest mainstream media attack piece about me? It happened the day after the publication's executive editor had a jealous meltdown on Twitter because someone famous retweeted me. Yes, the mainstream media can be just that unprofessional, dishonest, and juvenile.
All you have to do is look at Seth's latest thread for proof that the article about him is full of lies. Yes, the article is thorough – but it's thoroughly dishonest. Making an article thousands words long, and quoting a lot of people, doesn't make it honest or accurate.
I'll leave you with this question: if Abramson is supposed to be so terrible, why did that article have to include so many LIES in order to make its case? If he's supposed to be that bad, shouldn't the truth have sufficed?
One thing I learned the hard way a long time ago is that NO ONE holds the mainstream media accountable for its malfeasance and antics. The only person who can do it is you. But most of you don't want to have to admit to yourselves that the mainstream media can't be trusted.
Many of you look the other way when you see the mainstream media publishing lies about Seth, or lies about me. Because if you acknowledge it, you'll have to acknowledge that the media is feeding you bullshit about everything and everything. You just want to believe what you read.

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Why is this the most powerful question you can ask when attempting to reach an agreement with another human being or organization?

A thread, co-written by @deanmbrody:

2/ First, “X” could be lots of things. Examples: What would need to be true for you to

- “Feel it's in our best interest for me to be CMO"
- “Feel that we’re in a good place as a company”
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4/ So why should you ask the magic Q?

To get clarity.

You want to know where you stand, and what it takes to get what you want in a way that also gets them what they want.

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