The politically-captured 'Constitutional Tribunal' has decided - or rather, conveyed the decision - that the ombudsman cannot remain in office after the end of his statutory term to guarantee continuity until his replacement has been appointed by parliament.

PiS has been trying to force through candidates that are unacceptable to the majority in the Senate, and rather than attempt to work to find a compromise candidate, they have decided to use their control over the 'Tribunal' to resolve the problem to their liking instead.
This is the same procedure that was used in the case of the abortion law. What the executive cannot resolve in the legislature, it will use the 'Tribunal' to resolve.
The 'Tribunal' sat in a panel of three judges and two pseudo-judges who occupy places to which others had already been elected in late 2015. One of them is the 'Tribunal' president, who was elected to that position in breach of procedure.
Acting ombudsman @Adbodnar now remains in the role for three months, after which either PiS identifies a candidate the opposition finds acceptable (implausible), the opposition gives in (possible), or Polish citizens will be deprived of constitutionally-assured representation.
PiS-controlled 'public' media, which has spent the period since the end of Bodnar's term disparaging him as a tool of the opposition, will now switch its attentions to framing the Senate as irresponsible for failing to rubber stamp whichever hair-raisingly right-wing candidate
the majority in the Sejm is willing to push through at Kaczyński's behest.
I wonder what @EU_Commission will do in response to this latest act of constitutional vandalism. Maybe it will write another of its letters.

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