As promised, here is a thread on how I use @unusual_whales to help me find actionable plays.

Please note that these are TOOLS, they are not a magic perfect tool for you to get rich quick. There will be winners, there will be losers.

1. The Live Flow

I use this tool by far the most. Here is where I identify all of the big moving transactions happening in the market. I generally look for Strikes that are OTM and are weekly or bi-weekly expirations, this shows urgency.
Minimum Premium - For me, I set my minimum premium at $200,000

Emoji's - All selected besides Bid Side, ETF, Monthly, and Leaps.

EXPIRY - Nearest 4-5 Dates

Ask Side - ON
Bid Side - OFF
Exclude Deep ITM - ON
I use this tool at night to prep for the following day. I scan through it watching for anything that pops out at me, when it does I immediately check that tickers flow (more on that next). If I see things jumping out at me that skews the stock bull/bear with strength, I chart.
2. Ticker Flow

I start by looking at the 1K, 5K, 15K, and 30K to get a good feel for the volume for each expiry and strike price. I then go to the history to look at the options breakdown for each day. I mainly focus on Call Prem %, anything over 65%
3. Charting

This isn't a lesson on TA, but when I'm charting im looking for Supply/Demand zones, Trend lines, Candlestick patterns - various time frames, and support/resistance levels (Yes, these are different from Supply/Demand) that are confluent with what im seeing from flow
4. Social Media / News -

After all this is done I go through Social media (mainly twitter) as well as various news outlets looking for things that can give me any indication on whether the ticker i'm looking at is trending / has any reason to be moving quickly near term.
5. Thesis

Once all this is done, I take all the information i've gathered and put together a thesis for my trade. I plan it in great detail and I NEVER deviate from the plan (very important). This outlines areas to enter and exit as well as when to scale in / out.
I hope this helps everyone who was asking me to do this!

Big shout outs go to @YourBoyMilt @SharkofTraders @Just2Traders @tradinggrounds for being great resources in the UW community! If anyone needs further help / has questions my DM's are open. Happy Trading!

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