Sydney. Tunnels. Railways. Ghosts etc etc

‼️'The Street With No Name, Annandale' ‼️

Some say an eerie presence can be felt, others tell tales of bizarre behaviour displayed by small children and dogs that visiting the area. In the late 1960's...

‼️Picton Railway Tunnel, Picton ‼️

During World War II it was one of a number of disused railway tunnels in the Sydney area in which ammunition and other military supplies were stored. After the RAAF moved out in 1950, it was used for commercial mushroom growing.
‼️Old Government House, Parramatta‼️
..'the "Blue Room" located at the top of the original wooden staircase. The Blue Room is a bedroom painted blue (of course) and every haunted house seems to have one, along with the standard "blue lady"....
In the early 1800's one of the workers was out in the field just near Old Government House - he reported of seeing an "ark" in the sky. He said he was abducted by this "ark" taken up into it and later woke up back in the field. This was before planes were invented.
‼️Old Quarantine Station, North Head ‼️
The Quarantine Station at Manly is a city in itself, boasting its own post office, power supply, water reservoir, hospital, morgue, telephone exchange and paved streets lined with various styles and types of buildings.
While used as a..
‼️Xerts Restaurant, Darling Harbour‼️
This restaurant is now closed, but not long after it had opened, a little boy died a few days after having his birthday party there. It was said that his ghost haunted the restaurant. Staff who worked there reported seeing a little boy riding
‼️The Abbey, Annandale‼️

This Victorian revivalist manor has been shrouded in secrecy since Freemason John Young spared no expense in building it to impress his wife in 1881. They never lived in the house, and the grand design of gables, arches, lions, gargoyles, chimneys, ⬇️
turrets, decorative Freemason symbols and gothic intricacies sat vacant, occupied only by housekeepers, while the ballroom and stables were a superior boarding house to private Sydney schools from 1887.
‼️Studley Park House, Camden‼️
The stories were spawned by several tragedies that occurred on the site, such as the drowning of a 14-year-old boy in the dam in 1909 and the death from appendicitis in 1939 of the son of then owner, Arthur Gregory,⬇️
Arthur Gregory, a sales manager for Twentieth Century Fox Australia, in the house's theatrette. Staff of the company that repaired the roof in 2010, say they had no doubt the house was haunted. They discovered a hangman's noose dangling from inside the house's steeple.
‼️Darlinghurst Gaol‼️
In the 1820's, colonial architect Francis Greenway was commissioned to design a gaol that would overlook Sydney as a constant reminder that Sydney was a convict town. The walls of the jail were built by convicts f1822-1824, and their marks are still visible.
In 1912 a new "model prison" at Long Bay was complete and the Darlinghurst establishment was transferred to this site. The old gaol buildings were used as an internment camp during WWI. After consideration the site was transferred in 1921, to the department of Education which ⬇️
has adapted the building to the East Sydney Technical College.According to interviews/records, Darlinghurst Gaol's ghostly activities began with the restoration of the TAFE. There are 3 haunted rooms in the buildings; one a classroom, where prisoners were kept prior to hanging.
‼️Female Orphan's School, Parramatta‼️
Originally home to hundreds of orphaned girls, & later to the deranged inmates of a lunatic asylum, the historic buildings hold many secrets. The Female Orphan School is located in the middle of University of Western Sydney Parramatta Campus
The University and Historical Society is restoring sections of it. The building is historically significant, being the first 3rd storey building in Aus. It was erected by Governor Macquarie in the years of 1813 and 1919. He was disturbed by the street urchins in Parramatta ⬇️
& built this charitable institution to house female orphans. The first shipment of female orphans were 70 girls who arrived by boat on the Parramatta river, June 1818. By 1829 there were 152 girls in a building designed
for 100. Numbers in the 1830's averaged 170. Some of the children were orphans with no parents but many of the girls came from single parent families. Most were the children of convict is still under sentence.
‼️Prince Henry Hospital, Little Bay‼️

The ghost of a matron called Gracie was said to haunt the hospital, she was a neurotic woman who would immediately wash after being touched or bumping into someone. She is said to have died in B Block under mysterious circumstances...
‼️Asquith Girls High School‼️
At night, strange noises are heard near the hall & oval of the school. People who've heard these noises say they heard screams of teenage girls and younger.

See article for more ... there are a few
Oh... I didn't get to the Railway stations, my original plan (trust the plan). I'll have to do them later - i want to look at the sky and see what Jupiter & Saturn are up to... Oh no it's raining...
I'll start one :)

‼️Old Glenbrook Tunnel‼️
The gradient of the S-shaped single-line tunnel was, at 1 in 33, quite steep. Seepage kept the rails wet, leading to slipping and stalling. Waterfall Tunnel No. 1: These shortcomings and the growing need for a second line led to the ⬇️
establishment of a new route through Glenbrook Gorge in 1913 which included a replacement tunnel. The old tunnel was leased for mushroom growing. During World War 2 it was used by the RAAF to store 500 pound bombs and chemical weapons including mustard gas. MUSHROOMS AGAIN

More from News

This week marks 12 months since Josephine Cashman supplied Andrew Bolt with a letter falsely attributed to a Yolngu lawman that Bolt published via NewsCorp on Jan 26 as parcel of his persecution of Bruce Pascoe. Cashman & Bolt still haven’t provided a satisfactory explanation

Terry Yumbulul didn’t write the letter and didn’t agree with its content. He said so himself in a video published the next day and in a written statement published later the same day

The weird thing was, it soon emerged that large sections of the letter had been cribbed from other sources. Weird because as a Yolngu lawman, Terry didn’t need to borrow his knowledge from unrelated, alternate sources ... pretty much verbatim

The fallout was swift. Bolt was compelled to do a correction on his column and Cashman was just as swiftly dumped from her position of the Morrison government’s Senior Advisory Group for an Indigenous Voice to Government

There was no apology from either of them or from NewsCorp tho, and with the assistance of Sky News After Dark they desperately attempted to obfuscate the reality that everybody involved had been caught out and left red faced

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