You want to know about Barockschloss Ludwigsburg? Too bad, I'm going to tell you some stuff about it, as it's my 'local'...

It all came about because Eberhard Ludwig, Duke of Württe.berg, decided in 1704 that he wanted a big old palace from which to be an absolutist Duke, and do absolutist things. So, picking an old hunting lodge, he started to extend it...
Thing is, though, to build a residential palace, you need a workforce. To gain a workforce, they needed somewhere to live. So, alongside the palace, he founded the town of Ludwigsburg, now adjacent to Stuttgart.
Ludwig resided at Ludwigsburg until 1733, when, childless, he kicked the bucket. Then Carl-Eugen, a relative, became Duke, and that's when things became lit.
See Carl Eugen had been raised in the court of Frederick the Great, and had been deprived of fun and female company - they were banned from the Prussian court.

So, he was essentially a big fat party animal from the get-go.
Carl-Eugen massively extended the theatre into one of the finest in what is now southern Germany, and actresses, singers and ballet dancers flocked there, along with courtly ladies.

It's not such a stretch to say that this was his plan all along...
There's a very famous legend, that almost certainly has some truth to it, that Carl-Eugen gifted blue shoes to everyone he slept with, partially as a way to keep track.
Another room is covered in mirrors. Say no more fam.
Various historians in Württemberg have suggested that Carl-Eugen had 77 recognized sons, and up to 200 children in all with his many mistresses and consorts.
Ludwigsburg was also were Phillipp Matthäus Hahn unveiled his 'World Machine' in 1769 - it was an attempt to synergize the movement of the planets, a calendar, clock and other diagnostic instruments in one little package. It's now in @LMWStuttgart.
One day in 1805, Napoleon turned up unannounced to visit Duke Friedrich of Württemberg, who reigned in the palace. He wanted Württemberg's support, so by the end of the day, Friedrich had been elevated to the status of a king. What a good day!
There's much more to say about Barockschloss Ludwigsburg, but little time. If you're in the Stuttgart region, please visit - it's amazing, and cared for by @palaces_BaWu.

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A quick thread on the new variant, pulling together information from news sources, twitter, genomic databases, and word from well-placed peers.

The new variant in the UK consists of several mutations in the spike protein, including ΔH69/ΔV70 deletions & other receptor binding domain mutations such as N501Y.

The variant is described here in this pre-print from @GuptaR_lab.

The ΔH69/ΔV70 variant continues to increase quite rapidly as a proportion of overall positives (roughly doubling in the last 2 to three days), and is apparently now the dominant strain in test positives in some regions.

Extensive efforts have gone into enhanced surveillance for the ΔH69/ΔV70 deletion with and without RBD mutations, and it is good that we are aware of this.

There is a need for calm and rational thinking, and more evidence is needed.

But the early data is certainly concerning
This week marks 12 months since Josephine Cashman supplied Andrew Bolt with a letter falsely attributed to a Yolngu lawman that Bolt published via NewsCorp on Jan 26 as parcel of his persecution of Bruce Pascoe. Cashman & Bolt still haven’t provided a satisfactory explanation

Terry Yumbulul didn’t write the letter and didn’t agree with its content. He said so himself in a video published the next day and in a written statement published later the same day

The weird thing was, it soon emerged that large sections of the letter had been cribbed from other sources. Weird because as a Yolngu lawman, Terry didn’t need to borrow his knowledge from unrelated, alternate sources ... pretty much verbatim

The fallout was swift. Bolt was compelled to do a correction on his column and Cashman was just as swiftly dumped from her position of the Morrison government’s Senior Advisory Group for an Indigenous Voice to Government

There was no apology from either of them or from NewsCorp tho, and with the assistance of Sky News After Dark they desperately attempted to obfuscate the reality that everybody involved had been caught out and left red faced

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